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Like most runners, I have suffered from numerous injuries. I started running at school when I stopped gymnastics and diving, and after running for about ten years, I have suffered from shin splints, fibula fractures, sacral fractures and much more!
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For me, shin splints presented an ongoing problem. When I got back from time off or increased my mileage, I began to suffer from the injury.
The first few weeks of being injured with shin splints can be hard mentally, but fortunately, my physiotherapist caught onto the injury quickly, and I never developed a stress fracture. Still, my shin splints pain would never quite go away, no matter how much taping or calf-raises I did. That was unless I completely rested when I went on holiday.
After being in pain with bad shin splints for over a year, I thankfully came across Solushin. At first, I thought I was getting a calf sleeve with straps, but once I opened the box, it was quite different.

The black sleeve on the device is actually just to help slide it on and hold it all together. It wasn’t tight at all.
The biggest thing I didn’t expect was what was on the straps and in the sleeve. The Solushin has these compression points on the straps that they call ‘counter-traction technology.’ Also, there is a rod in the sleeve that compresses the border of your shin bone where it’s sore and inflamed.
After chatting with the team, I learnt that the three compression points on the straps reduce tension in your calf, the rod compresses the inflammation, and the straps reverse the torsion of the muscles on the angry inside border.
My shin splints went away quickly; I couldn’t believe it. I was annoyed that I hadn’t found the Solushins sooner.
When you wear them, they feel weird at first. Your leg is being compressed differently from what you would think. But, the pain relief is quite noticeable instantly and my calves felt pretty awesome afterwards.
They’re a bit tricky to put on the first time. There are pictures and a video, but I just wanted someone to look at it and make sure I put it on correctly. I found the team was extremely quick to answer my questions, so it all worked out!
You can’t run in them, but you can walk around. I tend to use them when warming up, but you can also wear them after training.
I love running. I love the feeling, surpassing my goals and beating my personal bests. It’s my main outlet, and there’s nothing else that comes close.
I recommend Solushin to all my friends who suffer from shin splints. The product is amazing, and the team are always there to answer your questions. Amazing beyond words – I feel very grateful to have found them!
– Audrey Hall
In exchange for Audrey to share a review on Runners Tribe, the team at Solushin supplied the devices free of charge. The Solushin is a class 1 medical device listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG 325902). This review was done in accordance with the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (No.2) 2018, Part 2, 17. Testimonials.
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