
Are you feeling inundated with the abundance of massage therapists and spas in your locality? The task of finding the perfect massage can be daunting, especially for runners seeking relief from post-run aches. With numerous options offering different massage types, durations, and intensities, athletes often find themselves in a quandary about which technique will effectively alleviate their discomfort.
Living with chronic pain can be an incredibly challenging and debilitating experience, affecting both physical and emotional well-being. The lower back, also known as the lumbar region, is a common source of discomfort for many individuals and often leads to missed workdays. Surprisingly, lower back pain ranks among the most prevalent causes of absenteeism in the United States.
It's a common refrain for runners: strengthening the gluteal muscles is crucial, especially when seeking guidance from physiotherapists during injury recovery. But have you ever wondered about the true significance of the glutes during running? And can exercises like glute bridges actually make a difference?
Calf weakness is a common hurdle encountered by runners, often resulting in discomfort and potential injuries in the foot and lower leg. When assessing a runner's gait mechanics, one noticeable manifestation is the excessive forward movement of the knee beyond the toe during mid-stance, referred to as increased anterior tibial translation. Although there are several contributing factors to this issue, our primary focus today revolves around the significant impact of calf weakness. 
