Workout Any Day Series 1

RT’s Workout Any Day Feature Videos with the worlds best athletes.

Session- Warm up, 1600m, Lap Recovery, 4 sets of 4x400m, Cool down. Featured Athletes- Zoe Buckman, Courtney Powell, Melissa Duncan, Gen LaCaze, Ryan Gregson, Brett Robinson, Charlotte Purdue, Stewart McSweyn, Sam McEntee and Luke Mathews, Ryan Geard, Sean Guiney, Sam Spicer & our Japanese visitors. Thanks to Nic Bideau and...
Make it rain | RT Workout Any Day Session 1 HD  4 X 1km with 4min, 6min & 8min recovery Splits for Mason Cohen per KM - 2:48, 2:45, 2:40, 2:37 Thanks to Ben Liddy and squads. RT WAD Sessions | Workout Any Day
Runner's Tribe