Runner’s Tribe – New South Welshmen, Ed Goddard has been going from strength to strength this year. The Nick Bromley & Nic Bideau coached Melbourne Track Club athlete took 8th Place at World University Cross Country, PB’d and took 3rd place over a strong field in the Gold Coast half marathon with 1:04:07, finished 3rd at the Australian Cross Country Championships and has recently been selected to represent Australia for the inaugural Commonwealth Half Marathon Championships, to be held in Cardiff, Wales early next month. Runner’s Tribe caught up with the talented young star for this insightful Q and A. Enjoy!

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How did you get into running?

I first got into running in year 6, after placing 5th in the school cross country. I played representative level cricket all the way up until finishing school which was slowly replaced by running, I liked how selection was based upon results and form. The improvement was slow but I worked my way through the state system before nationals in year 11, up to where I am now. Mum ran 2 half marathons when I was in year 7 and in many ways i feel like she lead me into the sport.

You’ve just been selected on the Aussie team for the inaugural Commonwealth Half Marathon Championships, to be held in Cardiff, Wales early next month. How excited are you to be representing Australia at this event?

It’s really exciting to be racing in Cardiff. After initially hearing rumours of the event a few hours after racing the Gold Coast Half Marathon it’s was a long time coming before I received the selection news. I’ve worked really hard over the season with longer term fitness and prosperity in mind so it will be a really good way to end this season’s chapter and put a good result on the board.

Not looking too far ahead but do you have a target time in mind with your current PB being 1:04:07?

I definitely have goals in mind for each event, and I have been planning incremental performance goals for a few years now. I’d obviously love to run under 64 as soon as I have the opportunity to, but I feel running 2:59km pace for the half marathon would be the next big step forward to run 62 minutes high. Having guys like Jack Rayner a few years older shows the steps of progression which I would like to follow myself, although I definitely have longer term goals and focus more on progression rather than instant results. You can’t build a very good house in overnight.

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You’ve just picked up a bronze medal at the Australian XC championships. How happy were you with this result and how brutal was that course?

I was pretty happy with my race at Maleny and enjoyed the race a lot. The course was definitely the main challenge and featured no flat sections bringing in an element which you don’t face in races very often. In hindsight I can’t put my finger on any particular strategy I would change, the race was controlled by Andy Buchanan and all the credit has to go to how he ran on the day. To medal at National Cross Country in my first two years of opens is a good reflection that things are going in the right direction.

You’ve been going from strength to strength this year, knocking out PB’s having multiple podium finishes at top Aussie races. Is this a result of a long stretch of consistent training under the guidance of your coaches Nick Bromley & Nic Bideau? Have you amped up the sessions this year, or has anything in particular changed?

This year has definitely been a breakthrough compared to where I was at before, which I feel is the culmination of a few key elements which I have implemented and is reflected that my Gold Coast half marathon split was the exact same time I ran in the 10km to run a PB the year before.

Firstly, I have been a lot more process driven with my training and I’ve made sure I am getting the most out of each session and the key philosophies behind them. I understand my body more and and am constantly learning, and just enjoying running for everything it brings.

I have also developed a lot stronger relationship with both Nick in Sydney, and Nic in Melbourne and I feel like the communication gives a greater peace of mind and clarity with training and racing. I have stronger and more certain plans going forward and we constantly assess the steps which need to be taken.

I have also been very consistent with my training over the past 18 months, which has allowed me to alter my training to match what was required for the end goal, as well as to physiologically adapt to the sessions. I have also never been injured or missed a session which I feel reflects a gradual and structured training plan since I started running. Sessions have definitely increased in a structured manner to cater for improvements as is expected with progressive overload but nothing drastic.

What’s been your highlight of the year so far?

The highlight of my year would definitely be the Gold Coast Half Marathon, and racing to a standard which I had looked up to since I was starting out and would watch guys like Ben St Lawrence and Collis Birmingham race and train, hoping one day to compete at a high level. World University Cross Country and travelling overseas was inspiring as it showed the opportunities which could open up in the world of athletics.

What’s your current weekly mileage?

Averaging around 180km with 3 Sessions.

What are a few of the key sessions you’ve implemented into your training program?

Thresholds are my most common session, which I do on Thursday’s at Narrabeen Lake on the Northern Beaches or at the Bay Run with Kevin Batt.

This consists of over 10km threshold with varied efforts following. Track sessions such as 8-10 x 1km are a regular occurrence too, and incorporate 2 faster reps during the session (2:40’s low) with other reps 2:52-55. Both sessions I feel are big confident boosts leading up to races, and good repetition of the session allows comparison with previous weeks and physical condition. Speed also provides a measuring stick in order to know how fresh the body is feeling.

How long is your typical Sunday run at the moment and at what pace?

Long Run on Sunday is 2 hours, based around my normal loop around Mosman, followed by a trip to North Sydney with an extension home to finish. I may include either a tempo, or if not emphasise hills. All long runs are done on road though which tends to flow more than a trail. This is my favourite run of the week, and I base my training off a Sunday – Saturday plan.

How easy are your easy days?

I do all my runs of feel with Heart Rate only so I base every run off what I feel my body needs on the day. Friday would be my ‘easy day’ which is important for recovery between long sessions on Thursday and Saturday. I log around 70% half of my runs outside of sessions with Joe Burgess, we start at home in Mosman and finish at a cafe in North Sydney, and have done so since 2014 – we’ve got through more runs than Matthew Hayden and Justin Langer.

What shoes are you rotating through at the moment for sessions and races?

I use a varied array of shoes and make sure that I rotate between models to disperse the load. For track workouts I would alternate between spikes (Nike Zoom Victory Elite 1 and Adidas Avanti Boost) and flats (Adidas Sub2 and Reebok Run Fast Pro). For longer workouts the Adidas Sub2 and Nike Vaporfly 4%s are part of the rotation with Flyknit Racers and Pegasus Turbos seeing some miles in the lead up to races. I’ve probably done more in NB Zante’s than any other shoe in my life too.


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0.23% of the yearly mileage, plus a goal I’ve had since I started running @gcmarathon #gocubs #gcam18 ?

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When do you think you’ll attempt your first marathon?

Im not too certain when I will move up to the marathon, I am only 20 years old, and I definitely want to make sure my body is ready for it and the long term demands, as well as racing over ‘shorter distances’ too. I want to have a good career at it, both the mental and physical side of the event is appealing and I feel there is a good amount of opportunities that would arise with consistency.

Best coffee in Sydney?

5 Loaves 2 Fish in Neutral Bay, hands down the best cafe going around (in my opinion of course). Order the Tumeric Spiced Chicken, and say that Ed sent you.

If you could have any text on the back of your running singlet, what would it be?

I feel a sponsor is a reflection that a brand holds value in what you do, and therefore supports what you feel you are achieving as an athlete. Although if anyone ever designs a Chicago Cubs race singlet It would be rude not to wear it.

I also write on the insole of my shoes words and drawings which I want to be the last thing I see before i head out to the start line.


Thank you!