In our RT Snap Q&A series, we’ve had the privilege of interviewing some of the world’s best runners, delving into their extraordinary journeys, celebrating their achievements, and exploring the unwavering dedication that defines their careers.

Mia Gross

  • She is a track and field athlete specializing in sprints.
  • Born on April 18, 2001


  • 2022 Commonwealth Games (Birmingham, England)
    • Member of the Australian 4x100m relay team that finished third.
  • 2023 Season Highlights
    • Competed in the Diamond League meeting in Lausanne, setting a new season’s best 100m time of 11.63s.
    • Set a personal best of 23.68s in the 200m in Bulle, Switzerland.
  • 2024 Achievements
    • March: Won the NSW State Championship title in the 200m with a new personal best of 23.16s in Sydney.
    • March: Lowered her 100m personal best to 11.38s at the Sydney Track Classic.
    • April: Won silver in the 200m at the Australian Athletics Championships in Adelaide with a time of 23.39s.
    • May: Lowered her 200m personal best to 23.15s at the Shizuoka International Athletics Meet in Fukuroi, Japan.
    • June: Lowered her 200m personal best to 22.81s in Sestriere and ran a wind-assisted 11.18s for the 100m.
    • July: Selected for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

RT: Can you tell us about your early years in athletics and what inspired you to pursue sprinting seriously?

Mia: I started Track in U/8’s down in Geelong! I have only really taken track seriously in the last 3 years when I moved to Melbourne with a new squad, new coach, different environments to help with my 1%ers that I was lacking previously. However, I started realizing sprinting could be for me towards the end of little Aths where I started training more & eventually I actually asked the officials if I could race with the boys in all the sprint events. I think this was really good for my competitive spirit as I was able to develop those rivalries with the boys as both I really wanted to beat them and they really didn’t want to be beaten by a girl!

RT: You had a challenging experience at the 2017 Commonwealth Youth Games with your wrist injury. How did that incident shape your approach to training and competition?

Mia: This was my first international meet and my first experience trying to overcome a major life twist at the moment where it was meant to be so smooth. In the warm-up for my heat, I came out of the blocks at the same time someone decided not to watch the track so I smashed right into them breaking my wrist. I went into the call room with tears flowing down my face in so much pain that the team doctor, coaches & my parents tried to come up with a plan for how I could successfully put pressure on my wrist when I was to go up into the ‘set’ position. I made the semi-final final which was an hour later so we quickly put a little splint on my wrist and wrapped it with bandages to go again. Missed the final by .002 which was bittersweet as I would’ve loved to race again but at the same time I was in so much pain that my fracture had created zigzag fractures from my wrist through to my thumb so it was probably for the best my time ended when it did. This shaped how I go through warm-up movements both training and racing – I find myself being way over the top to know where everyone is but also the mentality that nothing will always be as easy as it might seem & that as athletes you really need to be able to adapt quickly to different environments.

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RT: Can you share your experience being part of the Australian sprint relay team that finished third at the 2022 Commonwealth Games? What was that moment like for you?

Mia: Getting to race at the 2022 Commonwealth Games was nothing short of amazing! I was 10 weeks post abdominal surgery so I honestly didn’t think that I would actually get a run. When I found out at 10 pm the night before that I would be running, I couldn’t contain my excitement and I just remember all of the girls completely getting around me – it was just such an awesome feeling! Stepping out on the track I didn’t feel any pressure to perform so I was really able to in the moment and soak up every minute. Looking back I am glad I took the time to stop and capture it all. Getting our medals 2 years later at our National Championships was a cherry on top and I am so thankful Athletics Australia and Commonwealth Games Aus were able to present them in such a special way so that all our family and friends could experience the moment with us.


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RT: Could you describe a typical training week for you? How do you balance different aspects of training, such as speed work, strength training, and recovery?

Mia: Training weeks vary a lot especially because I do find great value in racing and prefer to race as part of my training. However, I have found that training more seems to be good for me and time away from the track is not. Monday on the track will be long heavy sleds +  blocks usually followed by a long big sprint eg. a 300m, Tuesday is a sprint endurance session, Wednesday is usually bike and gym, Thursdays I am in the pool, and sometimes a light gym session, Friday is more technique and quite work on the track and Saturday’s are a monster of both track and gym combined where I usually get home and sleep for 4 hours cause it usually takes up all my energy and most my day! Recovery wise I try to Sauna 2x per week, ice bath 2x per week, make sure I am seeing my physio and getting treatment at least once a week, attending stretching sessions, and make sure I am fueling my body with enough food and sleep… Naps are a mandatory everyday must!

RT: How important has your support system been, including your family, coaches, and teammates, in your athletic journey?

Mia: So massive! I have been injured every year since I was 13 years old and this is my first year (touch wood) where I have been able to train and race at a high level. Going through so many injuries from multiple stress fractures to multiple emergency hospital visits it’s safe to say my body likes to keep both myself and my support system on its toes! Being injured is never fun however I have taken a lot out of my journey with the help of my support system. Being happy in sad times isn’t easy but I am because my family makes me laugh. Being positive isn’t always easy but my friends always steer me to positive thinking. Staying motivated isn’t easy so my mum sends me a motivational quote every day, staying emotionally switched on at every moment isn’t easy so my coach pushes my mind in new different aspects that help to challenge me, but most importantly believing in myself 24/7 isn’t easy but every single friend, teammate, family member, coach always believed in me.


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RT: What advice would you give to young, aspiring athletes who look up to you and want to follow in your footsteps?

Mia: Always eat ice cream to celebrate your PBs & wins !!!

RT: What are your short-term and long-term goals in your sprinting career? Are there specific competitions or milestones you’re aiming for?

Mia: Short term I am hoping to make this 2024 Paris Olympic team in an Individual 200m and a 4x100m relay! Long term I would love to make every Australian team until the Olympics in Brisbane 2032 however we are an aging society so maybe I might keep going but I think I will have to reassess when I get there!