Stian Angermund, the current world short-course trail running champion hailing from Norway, is facing a doping controversy following a positive test for the diuretic chlorthalidone after his triumph at the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc’s OCC event in August last year. Despite the setback, Angermund steadfastly proclaims his innocence, expressing confusion and disbelief regarding the doping allegations.

Chlorthalidone, a diuretic recognized for its potential to reduce body weight and serve as a masking agent, was detected in Angermund’s urine sample after he clinched his second consecutive victory in the 55km OCC event. The 37-year-old, who also secured world trail running titles in 2022 and 2023, along with successes in the Golden Trail Series in 2018 and 2021, now faces a challenging chapter in his athletic career.

Taking to social media to address the situation, Angermund shared, “These past months have been the most trying and demanding of my sporting career.” He disclosed receiving a transformative email from the French anti-doping agency on October 20, 2023, notifying him of the prohibited substance in his sample.

Expressing bewilderment, Angermund asserted his dedication to clean sportsmanship, stating, “I haven’t used any medications or supplements, nor have I ever taken or misused drugs. Where could this possibly have come from? I am a clean athlete.”


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The Norwegian athlete is actively involved in defending his innocence and proving his cleanliness amidst a suspension and an ongoing investigation. Unfortunately, this has led to Angermund’s exclusion from the summer competitions of 2024, with uncertainty looming over whether he will ever make a return to the global trail running stage.

In an emotional social media post, Angermund continued, “The deep sadness and sorrow I feel in losing my career, reputation, and passion for sport cannot be overstated.” He described the experience as one that has brought numerous tears, sleepless nights, and has tested his self-esteem.

In his appeal to the public, Angermund urged for caution and kindness, regardless of one’s stance on his innocence. The champion’s future in the realm of trail running remains uncertain as he confronts the challenges arising from these doping allegations.