Running is a perfect and healthy way to exercise, engaging the body wholesomely. Some people run for fitness while others run professionally in races or marathons. Whatever context that gets you into some good running shoes and stretching or preparing for a run, you need to be physically ready for the task ahead, mentally prepared, and your nutrition has to be balanced. Nutrition is an important aspect, and just to make sure you are getting back all the necessary nutrients you need to retain your energy before and after running, there are essential supplements that you should take. Here they are. 

Amino Acids

The body generates its own amino acids at low levels. As a runner, get a boost of amino acids from taking fish and supplements. Running has a lot to do with endurance, and with proper amino acid levels, there will be a less lactic acid build-up in the muscles, which means you can run longer distances without getting sore, and you will ultimately recover faster. As per the advice on this site, amino acids will help your blood vessels dilate, therefore boosting your energy while supporting brain and cardiovascular health. As a runner, always supplement your nutrition with amino acids.


Electrolytes such as magnesium, sodium, calcium, and chloride are lost as you sweat, causing an imbalance. For a runner, this will be characterized by muscle weakness, fatigue, and headache, sometimes even confusion. Electrolyte supplements are, therefore, useful to keep you fresh for more runs. Calcium, for example, will keep your bones healthy while zinc will work with body enzymes to improve energy metabolism and support immunity. Iron strengthens muscles and improves the capacity to exercise. Female runners are especially encouraged to take iron supplements.


Berberine has a way of activating AMPK to improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It also helps manage glucose levels better. Berberine will reduce blood sugar to a healthier range. It will get glucose to the muscle cells while inducing fat loss, especially around the waist area for women. It is helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels, energy supplements, and staying in shape while there are further benefits to the intestines.


This may be a subject of debate, but caffeine is great for runners. It will help improve focus and accelerate endurance while speeding up reaction time. Aren’t all those great perks? Check out Sports Illustrated‘s top pre-workout powders.

Vitamin D and Vitamin B12

Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption while regulating phosphorus to keep the bones healthy. The sun is a good source of vitamin D, but as a runner, supplements may be a good idea considering your bones are constantly in use. As a runner, you are constantly putting your body under stress. 

For stress reduction, vitamin B12 supplements will do the trick. It will help your body have a healthy response to stress. Low levels of Vitamin B12 Would cause neurological issues or mild extreme fatigue. With vitamin B, red blood cells are produced in numbers to supply cells with the much required oxygen. Vitamin B12 will keep you a strong runner.

Vitamin C, E, and K2

The best you can offer the body as a runner is vitamin c supplements. To begin with, it helps the body maintain cartilage and bone tissue and also helps in building new protein for the skin, tendons, and ligaments. Also, while running or engaging in workouts, the body generates free radicals that could cause damage to the body. 

Vitamin C, on the other hand, along with vitamin E, has healing properties that internally protect the body from these molecules. Additionally, vitamin C is a boost to immunity. Vitamin K2 supports the bone health of runners, guarding their bones against adverse effects from pressure build-up from either repeated running or long-distance learning.


As a young runner, you need just as much nutritional workout, if not more, as an adult. You will require vitamins and proteins just as much and more. For example, one of these is the creatine that will get you hitting records and ensuring a quick recovery. At the same time, it will replace short-acting energy sources to prevent skeletal muscle contractions.

Protein-rich Supplements

Whey protein maintains muscle mass. Running takes up energy, and the body might eat off the muscles for additional energy. To avoid this, protein is a highly basic part of the diet of a runner. However, apart from the real food, which is a must-have, whey proteins are ideal after exercise for muscle support.

Ensure you are getting your supplements from trusted sources where they are thoroughly tested so that you are getting safe supplements with the best ingredients. Do your research and always keep track of what the body is telling you. Lastly, always inform your health care provider about any supplements you are taking.