Photo: Joe Toth for Virgin Money London Marathon
We all know how great exercise is for our health. It’s good for our stamina, it helps us combat cholesterol and excessive weight, and it makes our entire body stronger. We always tell students to get moving, since a sedentary lifestyle will show its negative effects sooner or later.
But there’s a subtle effect of exercise that we don’t always recognize: it wires up our brain, too. Jogging, in particular, is an awesome activity that can help students achieve better results in their studies.
Wait, what? Jogging requires time, and it makes you tired. How can it possibly help you learn better?
Experts from helped us to bust that myth.
How Jogging Helps Students to Learn Better
- Jogging Helps You Organize Your Time
You use various study organization apps, but you still can’t find the ideal balance between your studies and your free time? That’s because you’re not devoting your free time to something you really like. You look at the concept of free time as something that comes after you wrap up with classes and homework.
Since you don’t have any responsibilities later on, you tend to procrastinate with the studying and homework. This leaves you thinking: “I don’t have any free time at all.”
When you assign a precise activity for your free time, you’ll have no other choice but to manage your tasks better.
Set up a precise time of the day for a jog. Include that activity in your schedule. It will motivate you to go through your tasks more effectively, so you’ll stop procrastinating.
- Jogging Alleviates Stress
You feel stress all the time. It’s not because you had one espresso less today. It’s because your brain is overworked and it needs some rest. You also worry all the time, since studying is kind of a big deal.
You have that PowerPoint presentation that gives you the chills. You couldn’t complete a challenging essay, so you decided to order it from EduBirdie in AU. You feel guilty about not achieving enough when you’re doing the best you can.
Jogging can help. All that stress that builds up needs an outlet. When you go for a run, you boost the blood flow throughout your entire body. You help your body to get rid of toxins, which are directly related to the stress that you feel.
You’ll feel more relaxed after a single run.
- Running Teaches You: You Can Achieve Any Goal that You Set
Many people think that they cannot run.
- “I tried and I got tired after a minute.”
- “I tried and my knees started hurting.”
- “It’s too challenging for me.”
Any other excuses? Because that’s exactly what those are: excuses!
With the right plan and the proper gear, anyone can start running. You’ll feel weak at first. You’ll run for a minute and you’ll feel like you won’t make it through the trail. It’s okay. You’ll run for a while longer with each following day. You’ll boost your stamina and you’ll be preparing for a half marathon before you know it.
The achievements you make by running teach you a valuable lesson: as long as you repetitively commit your time and effort to something, the results will be inevitable. When you encounter a challenging academic task, you’ll remind yourself how you felt about running and how you achieved more than you thought you were capable of.
- Running Teaches You to Overcome Fatigue
You’ll feel tired in the middle of a run. You’ll want to give up. But you won’t. You’ll keep running, and you’ll overcome the obstacle of fatigue. When you’re done with the jog, you’ll realize that you’re not tired anymore. In fact, you’ll feel energized and ready to tackle yet another daily task.
When researchers studied the brains of competitive distance runners, they realized that they had more connections between the brain’s areas related to self-control. The focus that you feel while running will extend to all other activities you perform. You’ll learn how to control the fatigue and the lack of motivation.
You’ll Only Benefit from Jogging
It seems like a serious undertaking, and you don’t know if you can face the challenge. You can! As long as you make a commitment, you can do this. You can run around campus for half an hour per day. Anyone can find that time.
Jogging will help you organize your time better, reduce the levels of stress in your life, overcome fatigue, and unlock your true potential. You’re capable of more than you assume!
BIO: Emma Rundle started jogging three years ago, and hasn’t stopped since. She organizes her trips around half marathons. Emma also loves writing, so she uses every opportunity to write blog posts that motivate people to run.