Beaumont in Alberta is a haven for runners, with its safe neighborhoods and picturesque running trails. Winters may get very cold, but when the warmer months arrive, running enthusiasts flock to the city’s pathways and trails to enjoy their workouts in the great outdoors.

People run to clear their minds or to reach fitness goals. Some push themselves some more to train for competitions or marathons. Whatever the reason, running has several health benefits. It improves cardiovascular fitness, burns calories and strengthens bones and muscles. But sometimes, running causes injuries which may lead to permanent damage.

Fortunately, there is a massage therapy Beaumont AB clinic that can manage and treat the following injuries through massage therapy.

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Achilles Tendinitis

The Achilles tendon provides a lot of the elastic energy used in running. It is the thickest tendon in the body that runs from the calf down to the heel.

The most common cause of Achilles tendonitis is not giving the feet adequate rest after heavy training. Usually, there is a pain in the tendons during and after runs. Running on hard surfaces and tight calf muscles can also contribute to this dysfunction. 

Achilles tendonitis healing process is slow because it does not receive adequate blood supply. Runners can prevent this painful injury with insufficient rest and proper stretching. However, if pain persists, massage therapy will be able to loosen the calf muscles and release adhesion in the muscles that restrict mobility.

If Achilles tendonitis is left untreated, it may lead to plantar fasciitis and calf strains, which can impede an athlete’s running career.

Iliotibial Band Syndrome 

The thick fibrous band of tissue that runs from the muscles of the hip down to the leg and knee is called an iliotibial band or ITB. It stabilizes the legs during activities that require knee-bending or weight-bearing. 

Running and other repetitive leg movements can irritate the ITB, which can lead to ITB syndrome. A runner might feel pain near the knee or at the outside of the thigh. Bearing weight may aggravate the situation. 

Treatments involving myofascial techniques are useful because the ITB is composed mainly of fascial tissue. Runners should prepare themselves emotionally since treatment can be excruciating.

ITB Syndrome is not debilitating nor life-threatening, but it can be a nuisance and may progress to a more severe injury such as osteoarthritis.

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Patellar-Femoral Syndrome or Runner’s Knee

Patellar-femoral syndrome, more commonly known as Runner’s Knee, happens when the kneecap does not track accurately in the knee joint. It is caused by a muscle imbalance in the lower body. Pain is usually pain around and under the kneecap.

Runner’s knee may be caused by weak and inactive glutes, tight and imbalance in the quadriceps. 

The dysfunction of this injury is around the lateral thigh and hip, but runners feel the pain around the kneecap. Massage therapy can re-balance the muscles of the lower body, reactivate weak, stabilizing muscles and release tight muscles.

Running represents freedom of spirit and strength of mind and body. When runners meet an injury, it prevents them from reaching their full potential. But with the expertise and personalized service of massage therapists, runners can go back to the sport that brings them so much joy and accomplishment.