Running has plenty of benefits, including increasing your heart rate, muscle endurance, bone density, blood circulation, mood, and much more. Getting started with running as an overweight person can be tricky, but with the right mindset, it is doable. To experience, exceptional performance in running, choose the best footwear for your runs like Tarkine Trail Devil shoes.

Running is the most manageable exercise routine than can quickly help you get into shape and lose weight. This article acts as a quick guide to help you get started. 

Before You Begin

The first two steps to take that most people often overlook are consulting your doctor and getting the right running gear. 

Visit your doctor and go through the preexisting injuries and conditions you might have. Share your plan with them and get a second opinion. Next, you need to invest in the right gear. Visit your local athletic store and talk to the experts; they will recommend the best shoes depending on your weight and running style.

Start With Baby Steps

Do not let the high motivation push you too far. Starting with a bang can hurt your muscles and joints. You need to start slowly to build your endurance and strength. It’s recommended first to take short walks – even a ten-minute stroll around the block. Then gradually increase the distance and time. 

For beginners, you should start on flat and friendly terrain or field. You can create a simple chart to guide you on your first month:

WEEK 1 20 Minutes 1.5 Kilometres
WEEK 2 30 Minutes 3 Kilometres
WEEK 3 40 Minutes 4.5 Kilometres
WEEK 4 50 Minutes 5 Kilometres


You should mix walking with other simple exercises to help you build strength for the task ahead, which is running. Start by making shorter strides, and do not over-extend your legs when running.

The second month should be when running starts. You will need to mix running and walking. First, take a fifteen-minute walk to warm up. Then run for 45 seconds, followed by a one-minute walk. Repeat this six times. Finish your exercise with a six-minute walk to cool down. At the end of your session, you will have run for almost five minutes. Do this session three to four times per week.

In your second week, increase the running time to one minute and decrease your walking time to 30 seconds. Such that you run more and walk less. Gradually increase running time and decrease walking time for the following weeks. By the end of the second month, you should be able to run.

Move to The Next Level

Now that you have built up your strength and tolerance by mixing running and walking, it is time to take it to the next level. You should start by running for 7-12 minutes and as you build endurance, increase the time.

The next challenge will be learning how to control your breath so that you can run for longer. Once you have mastered breath control and found a pattern that works for you, you should start challenging yourself by:

  1. Increasing your running distance
  2. Improving your pace
  3. Taking on challenging hilly terrains

Find Motivation

The only way to keep challenging yourself and achieve your goals is to find the right motivation. Here are some ideas you can adopt so that you don’t give up and keep pushing yourself

  1. Set a target and hit it: Every week, set a target of how many kilometers you want to run and commit yourself to hit that goal. You will feel accomplished and be motivated to do it again.
  2. Join a Running Club: Sometimes exercising alone can be burdensome. Join a club online or within your locale; you will find people who will push you and help boost your morale.
  3. Take a Break: Do not run every day. Running 2-3 times a week is enough. Create a calendar and change it often so that you are not bored. Take breaks when you feel overwhelmed. 
  4. Ignore the haters: Some people might try to discourage you; develop a strong mindset, ignore them and focus on your goals.
  5. Gift yourself: Enjoy yourself for every goal you achieve, for example you can surf social media or play pokies on your mobile phone.
  6. Measure your progress: If you’re running to lose weight, jump on a scale at the end of every month and see how much you’ve shed. Measuring your progress will motivate you to keep going.


Whether you want to learn how to run, lose weight or clear your mind, know that running is for everyone, and your body type shouldn’t discourage you from picking up this hobby. If you stay committed, you will be running comfortably within three months.