A small outback town, elite athletes, $60,000 up for grabs (Officially Australia’s Richest Mile Running Race), a bitumen street as the track. Combine this with dirt track horse racing, fireworks, market stalls, bands and street entertainment all weekend for the kids and you have yourself the outback experience that is Leonora’s Golden Gift Carnival! Held on 30-31 May 2020.

Located 234km from Kalgoorlie, Leonora has a rich outback history and heritage, from the old world grandeur of the legendary State Hotel, to the simple charm of iron and hessian miners’ cottages in the eerie gold rush ghost town of neighbouring Gwalia. Come along for the day or the weekend, it’s an experience like no other.
Learn more: http://www.leonoragoldengift.com/
If you’re interested in competing in the LGG2021 (June 5th-6th) Elite Mile or the Elite Sprints please email leonoragoldengift@gmail.com with a short bio and pbs. Entries for other events will open soon. Funding may be available for chartered flights and accommodation. WA athletes, if accepted into the elite mile will have a secured starting spot. Out-of-state athletes wishing to express an interest in competing should also email the above address. If accepted, you will be placed on a shortlist of potential out-of-state competitors and you will be updated on the Shire’s decision closer to the event.
The Runner’s Tribe (www.runnerstribe.com) website covers all aspects of athletics, track and field, road running, junior athletics, and more throughout Australasia and the world. All sections are constantly updated and improved.