I decided to go down the road less travelled by Australian junior runners, when I passed up the opportunity to go to college in the United States. This was not an easy decision, like all decisions that go against the grain, it poses a risk due to uncertainty. My dad was particularly concerned. As a junior boxing champion, who wasn’t allowed to compete internationally due to the apartheid sanctions in South Africa, my dad struggled to understand why I would turn down an opportunity he would’ve killed for. There were multiple reasons which influenced my decision, but the certifying reason for staying in Australia was that I knew it was my best chance of becoming a great runner, not just a good runner.
Have you ever given something everything you had and expected something amazing to happen, only to unknowingly sabotage yourself and your success? That was essentially my 2019 season in a nutshell.
By Steve Moneghetti
People who know me know I don’t believe in perfection but that you prepare meticulously, be on the start line in the best shape possible and then execute your race plan as well as you can. After that the result will be often determined by many other factors, but you finish knowing that you have done everything you could.
Australian Athlete Mag Set for December Release & Subscription Offering Coming Soon
Runnerstribe Admin -
The decision has been made to publish Australian Athlete magazine once a year, in time for Christmas.
The below training diary was published in Australian Athlete Issue 1, June 2018. Below is that diary. For more like it visit Australian Athlete.
By Stewart McSweyn
Below is an outline of my week of training leading into the Commonwealth Games. It outlines my training during this tapering period, with comments...
We threw a rigid training structure out the window and completely listened to my body this season. That combined with a little bit of luck and building a bit of resilience into my body meant I have been able to compete consistently.” - Henry Frayne
By Tim Rosen
For Henry Frayne,...
By Samantha Schrauth
We scoured all junior results from across Australia in the latter half of 2018 and found 10 exciting juniors with huge futures. It’s always hard leaving so many talented athletes off the list, but below are 10 juniors loaded with talent, with the world at their feet.
By Justin Rinaldi
At the start of the 2018 perpetration period, Joseph Deng, Peter Bol and I talked about the goals for the year ahead and what we wanted to achieve. In order they were: 1. Finish first and second at the Commonwealth...
By Matt Lynch
The winner of the decathlon and heptathlon have long been heralded as “the world’s greatest athlete”, beginning when King Gustav V of Sweden told Jim Thorpe, "You, sir, are the world's greatest athlete" after Thorpe won the decathlon at the Stockholm Olympics in 1912. Australia has had...
Alexandra Roberts is a junior Javelin Thrower from Queensland, one of Australia’s best juniors and a World Junior representative. She blogged for Australian Athlete magazine edition 2. Below are some excerpts:
By Alexandra Roberts
DOB: 9 April 2001
Hometown: Forestdale, Queensland
Coach: Brett Green
Events and PB’s:
Javelin Throw 500g 53.01m Australian Junior...