RT Journals

Catch all the latest from all our track and field stars as they discuss everything from their personal training sessions to updates on their athletic journey.

Where to begin? I have now been in the U.S for a month now, training with the Santa Monica Track Club based in Southern California and it has proven to be a most eventful month, one in which I have really found out a great deal about myself, in...
Hey Guys, I thought rather than writing my usual update I would do something a little different and write about some experiences I’ve had so far this season that I found really interesting. So here goes.. I’ve never really had a problem with motivation but as a young kid I was...
One of the first questions that you ask when you meet someone is, “what do you do?” We each have a role in life which defines who we are, whether it is centred on work, the family or even leisure. Aristotle said that, “We are what we repeatedly do....
My second sports nutrition session with Ryan Jackson was all about sports supplements and how they can aid you in training and competition. Like my last blog, a lot of this info will not be new to many of you. What I aim to do, however, is share my...
My last blog post was the day that I was notified that I had been selected to travel to Poland and run for Australia, from that day right up until the big race, I did almost everything right with some great sessions that gave me confidence going into the...
Why do you run? Some run because they want to win, others to stay healthy. Some are in it for the social scene, or to look good, or to snatch some alone time. We hear about the African sensations who run to get to school and the Japanese pacemakers who run...
Saucony Love: Pleased to announce that I resigned with Saucony this past month to embark on my fourth successive year as a Saucony ambassador. Each of those years has been a massive step forward for me and I’m excited to have a crack at some major 2014 goals with their...
I left Sydney Wednesday afternoon, 30 hours later I was in Krakow. The cruelty of fate had ensured I’d had no sleep, the change in time zones seemed to line up so it was mostly day making it even more difficult to sleep on the plane. The venue was...
After the disappointment of missing the majority of the 2012 season and therefore the chance to push for selection in the London Olympics team it was pure relief and happiness when I crossed the line at the Australian National Championships in Sydney and secured my selection for the 2013...
In the past 5 years, I had never considered the mental side of sport. For me, I had only considered that if you taper, you’ll be fresh and if you’re fresh, you’ll run well. This seemed to work for my 3 years as an undergraduate at university, where I...
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