
By Alex Dreyer - Runner's Tribe Are you reaching your potential? As a sports dietitian, I see all types of runners turning to nutrition and diet to go further or faster. I’ve been lucky enough to see different approaches to nutrition first-hand, from my time in the US collegiate system eating...
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a fitness newbie, injuries can happen to anyone at any time. This is especially true for runners. In fact, each year, 65 percent of all runners will experience an injury at some point. It’s not uncommon for runners and other active individuals to put...
By Mark Tucker - Runner's Tribe “Strenuous exercise should not be taken until two and a half to three hours after eating” (C.W.H. Grant – The Australian Amateur – October 1951) How much? How long before? And what should we eat (and drink) before a race and before we train? These...
If you are a runner, you are likely to experience muscle soreness, workout cramps, and recovery issues after a long run or intense workout. While there are a plethora of recovery supplements that allow muscle repair and recovery, they aren’t entirely natural. Sip on these powerful and naturally delicious...
© 2017 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. To perform at your peak requires successful management of numerous aspects of your life; training, injury prevention, sleep and last but not least, diet. A balanced diet is vital.  We all know the drill, vegetables, fruit, wholemeal bread, plenty of water etc. etc.  But...
Runner’s Tribe - By Alex Dreyer - Nutritionists  At some point in your athletic career, be you elite, amateur, recreational, or age-grouper, there comes a time when a decision must be made about whether to take one of those shiny gels being handed to you at an aid station in that...
How to “choose your own adventure” to match your nutrition to your training By Alex Dreyer - Runner's Tribe Last month’s blog (click to view) was an introduction into periodisation of your diet to suit certain types of training phases and cycles. This month will focus on the specifics of periodisation,...