
Discover the transformative power of targeted low back exercises in safeguarding against pain and injury. The erector spinae, vital for spinal stability, demand focused attention to maintain strength. Unlock the potential of these five essential low back exercises, designed to fortify your core, enhance stability, and promote a life free from discomfort.
Seasoned runners will be fully aware of the sheer amount of annoying injuries which can be sustained throughout the course of the year. These aches and pains can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening, particularly if you're mid-way through a training period. Calf injuries are all too frequent amongst the...
Patellofemoral Syndrome (Runner's Knee)- Part 2 Rehabilitation/Prevention Written by Lachlan Chisholm - Runner's Tribe In my previous article, I outlined what patellofemoral Syndrome (click to read) is and what you should do once you have it or think you are developing it. I will now go through what you need to do to...
By Tristan Ferris. MD. - Runner's Tribe Unfortunately, the majority of serious runners suffer a stress fracture at some point in their career, some athletes numerous times. A classical overuse injury, stress fractures occur when too much stress is put on a weakened bone. It's often the result of too much...
Running is a pleasurable and healthy activity. Still, few things can slow a runner down like an unexpected injury. From heel aches to muscle damage, there’s a wealth of problems that any active person may encounter. So, here are some of the most common running ailments and how to...
We probably know we should be foam rolling, but more often than not it’s the first to go from our training routine as we get busy. So let’s talk about what exactly it means to “roll out,” how to do it, and why it needs to remain a permanent...
If you’re someone who loves to run, it’s easy to convince yourself that running, alone, is sufficient for meeting your fitness goals and maintaining a high level of health. While running can be very beneficial for the body, especially for improving cardiovascular health, it’s not the only form of exercise...
Iliotibial band syndrome (also known as ITBS) is the most common injury that can affect the lateral portion of the knee in runners. Research shows that it affects anywhere from five to fourteen percent of all runners. If you’re a runner who’s struggling with ITBS, you’re not alone. There’s more...
When you think about lower extremity injuries which can affect runners, conditions like Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis often come to mind. Smaller ailments like hammer toes, bunions, and overlapping toes might also affect a routine running schedule. But what about broken toes? Are they really that serious and...
Are you experiencing ankle pain when you go running? If so, you definitely don’t want to ignore it. The ankle joint, which is actually comprised of three articulating joints, bears much of the physical brunt of your running (along with the feet and knees). The ankle is truly a...