Falls Creek – Tackling Tendons: By Physiotherapists Nick Cross and Todd Anderson
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Nick Cross and Todd Anderson are leading physiotherapists, based in Melbourne.
By Nick Cross and Todd Anderson
Falls Creek is renown as a hot spot for distance runners, from the recreational enthusiasts to the elite athlete. It encompasses unique trails, hills and rugged surroundings, it also provides near perfect running temperatures....
Runner's knee, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome, is a prevalent condition that affects the articulation between the kneecap and the thigh bone. While it is commonly associated with runners, it can also impact athletes in other sports, such as tennis. The term runner's knee is often used broadly to describe knee pain resulting from various knee issues.
Calf weakness is a common hurdle encountered by runners, often resulting in discomfort and potential injuries in the foot and lower leg. When assessing a runner's gait mechanics, one noticeable manifestation is the excessive forward movement of the knee beyond the toe during mid-stance, referred to as increased anterior tibial translation. Although there are several contributing factors to this issue, our primary focus today revolves around the significant impact of calf weakness.
Preventing and Managing Stress Fractures in Athletes: Risks, Symptoms, and Treatment
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Stress fractures are a common overuse injury that athletes, particularly runners, may experience. These injuries occur as a result of repetitive force to a bone over time, rather than a sudden, traumatic event. The bones of the lower limb, including the feet, legs, and hips, are particularly prone to stress fractures. Certain risk factors can contribute to the development of stress fractures, including increasing training volume too quickly, changing footwear or running surfaces, poor nutrition, prior bone injuries, low BMI, menstrual irregularity, health conditions that reduce bone density, poor biomechanics, and certain running techniques.
Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy is a painful and difficult condition that many runners and active individuals experience. Importantly insertional achilles tendinopathy (IAT) is a different pathology to other types of achilles pain and as such it may not respond to treatments given to other types of achilles presentations. It has been estimated that one third of achilles pain is IAT (1,2). Here we discuss some key features of recognising IAT and important aspects of its management.
Patellofemoral Syndrome (Runner's Knee)- Part 2 Rehabilitation/Prevention
Written by Lachlan Chisholm - Runner's Tribe
In my previous article, I outlined what patellofemoral Syndrome (click to read) is and what you should do once you have it or think you are developing it. I will now go through what you need to do to...
At some point in their lives, approximately 80 percent of people will experience back pain. Some people, like runners, are highly susceptible to back pain -- in fact, one study showed that more than 50 percent of runners reported having a history of back pain.
Runners can experience back pain...
For individuals suffering from proximal hamstring tendinopathy it can be frustrating to navigate the rehabilitation required, and oftentimes symptoms may persist for extended periods of time, ranging from months even extending to years.
The Most Common Cause of Knee Pain - Patellofemoral Syndrome (Runner's Knee)
Written by Lachlan Chisholm
My Name is Lachlan Chisholm, I am a Physiotherapist and I have a Bachelor of Science (Exercise Science and Nutrition) and Master of Physiotherapy. I am a retired elite middle distance runner, a two-time Australian...
Running enthusiasts are frequently advised to strengthen their glutes, particularly if they are injured. But how do glute bridges work and what precisely do the glutes perform when we run? Elevate your running game with Tarkine Trail Devil, where every step is a testament to exceptional performance and unmatched...