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Running & depression By Steve Magness from 'The Science of Running' http://www.scienceofrunning.com/ In high school, my coach would often laugh at the duration of my post-season breaks. It normally would constitute a day or two and then back to the mileage grind. In college, things didn’t change much as I became notorious...
When it comes to training, are you a simplifier or an optimizer? Simplifiers look for the easiest way to get a task done, and accept that there are some costs or lost opportunities that come with their approach. Optimizers continually tweak, adjust and update their plans in order to get the best possible outcome.
Anyone of any age who engages in running should be in tune with their body and seek medical advice before embarking on any intensive activity (including changes to said activity) that may unduly extend them. This is critical should the aspiring athlete have underlying medical conditions and/or ongoing health issues requiring medication.
A Column By Daniel Quin - Runner's Tribe The physiological benefits of altitude training are well documented and these have contributed to altitude tents being used at sea level. But what are some of the psychological benefits of altitude camps that we can transfer back to our home at, for...
Two and a half decades ago, a defining study in 1997 involving 236 age-group swimmers introduced us to the concept of athlete burnout. It unveiled a mental health disorder characterized by emotional and physical exhaustion, dwindling achievements, and a fading passion for the sport. These symptoms align remarkably well with the definition of occupational burnout. These dimensions can affect athletes to varying degrees.
MATT FITZGERALD – Runner’s Tribe Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports coach, nutritionist, and author. His many books include The Endurance Diet, 80/20 Running, and How Bad Do You Want It?  The best teacher I ever had was Mark Gould, a sociology professor at Haverford College. I’ll never forget the first meeting of...
Why do you run?   Written by Daniel Quin – Runner’s Tribe A superficial answer to the question: “why do you run?” could include the well-documented physical health benefits. These include the lower incidence of heart disease, reduced rates of mortality, improved oxygen uptake, and so on. But this isn’t why...
A Column By Daniel Quin – Runner’s Tribe Nearly every training group has an athlete that is seemingly “on” for the sessions and workouts but then fail to live up to that form in races. Conversely, some runners race better than their training form would suggest they should. What is...
Depression and Running: Written by Amity Delaney Mental illnesses do not discriminate. They can affect anyone at any time and athletes are no exception. Depression and running work together in two ways. On the one hand, certain aspects about being an elite athlete and training for running can potentially increase...
Written by Daniel Quin - Runner's Tribe Eventually I intend to write about some positive psychology topics associated with running but before that I want to return to the concept of the psychosocial impact of being injured. Last month I explored the problem of reinjury anxiety. Another common psychological consequence...