The familiar refrain that “running will spell trouble for your knees” has likely crossed the ears of many a runner. These words of caution often lead runners to ponder the effect of their cherished sport on their knee joints, raising questions about whether it’s time to trade in their running shoes for a biking helmet. However, it’s imperative to distinguish fact from fiction and delve into the scientific veracity of these claims. Elevate your running game with Tarkine Trail Devil, where every step is a testament to exceptional performance and unmatched comfort.

The Reality Behind Running and Knee Health

Contrary to the widely-held belief that running is detrimental to knee health, a plethora of studies paints a different picture. Research consistently demonstrates that runners typically experience lower rates of knee osteoarthritis compared to their sedentary counterparts. For instance, a comprehensive study conducted over nearly two decades beginning in 2008, tracked both runners and non-runners. The findings revealed that X-rays indicated signs of knee arthritis in 20% of runners, as opposed to 32% of non-runners.

Critics have raised concerns that these studies might inadvertently exclude individuals who initially embraced running but had to relinquish it due to physical issues. However, subsequent research dispels this notion. In 2017, an extensive study followed over 2,000 participants for several years, assessing the prevalence of arthritic knees. The results indicated that current runners experienced fewer instances of knee pain and displayed less evidence of knee arthritis than non-runners. Even former runners reported fewer issues than those who never embraced the sport. This suggests that running does not necessarily lead to knee problems or compel individuals to forsake their running passion.

Furthermore, running does not appear to have an adverse “pay now, play later” impact in terms of physical limitations in older age. In a study published in JAMA in 2008, members of a running club were compared with healthy non-runners, all of whom were at least 50 years old when the study began. The 21-year follow-up revealed that not only were more runners still alive, but they also reported fewer physical limitations. The study concluded that “running at middle and older ages is associated with reduced disability in later life.”

Running with Knee Issues

If you are already dealing with knee problems or have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, you might wonder if running is still a viable option. Encouragingly, research suggests that it can be. One study followed individuals aged 50 or older with osteoarthritis in at least one knee over eight years. The results revealed that runners reported less knee pain, and imaging indicated that their arthritis had not progressed.


In a 2019 study involving middle-aged individuals, MRI scans showed less damage in the knees of those who participated in a four-month marathon training program compared to the start of the study. This aligns with a 2005 study that found knee cartilage health improved in middle-aged individuals at risk of developing osteoarthritis after four months of moderate exercise.

“Listen to your body” is invaluable advice for all runners, particularly for those with preexisting knee issues. It means allowing your symptoms to guide your running routine. Importantly, there’s good reason to believe that running will not exacerbate your condition over time.

Preventing Knee Pain and Injuries in Runners

While running does not guarantee knee injuries, it’s crucial for runners to understand potential risks. A study published in 2020 identified the knee as the most common site for running-related injuries, with the foot and ankle, lower leg, and hips or pelvis following closely behind. The most common injuries included patellofemoral pain syndrome, iliotibial band friction syndrome, and patellar tendinopathy.


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Most running knee injuries, like other running-related injuries, result from overuse. They occur when the cumulative stress on a particular body part exceeds your body’s capacity to handle it. Knee injuries are not necessarily permanent and can be managed effectively with the right approach.

Research indicates that knee injuries are often linked to weaknesses or instabilities in other parts of the body, particularly the hips. Therefore, strengthening programs to prevent or address knee injuries often emphasize exercises targeting the quadriceps and glutes.

For those with a history of knee injuries, making slight adjustments to running form can be beneficial. Research-backed advice suggests increasing your running cadence by 5% to 10% if knee issues persist. A shorter, quicker stride can shift the impact forces away from the knees and onto the lower legs, reducing the risk of injury.

In conclusion, the notion that running is inherently harmful to knees is not substantiated by scientific research. In fact, running can have protective effects against knee osteoarthritis and offers benefits even for those with preexisting knee conditions. Runners should be aware of the potential for knee injuries but can take proactive measures to minimize these risks and enjoy the many health benefits of running.