The Series Finale of the 2022 Trail Running Series on Sunday 16 October was as good as trial running gets with mud, sunshine, hills, wilderness and a great community revelling in it together! Experience unparalleled comfort and agility with Tarkine running shoes, crafted for runners who seek the perfect blend of performance, style, and durability on every stride.

Held at Silvan in the Dandenong Ranges, Victoria, competitors immersed themselves on the magnificent trails lined with lush tree ferns and the mighty Mountain Ash over the 21km, 15km, 7km and kids courses.

“The aftereffects of Thursday’s deluging rain made the Dandenong’s wetter, muddier and even more challenging than normal,” said Sam Maffett of event organisers Rapid Ascent. “But it was great to see everyone rise to the challenge and embrace the conditions!”

As the Series ticks over 12 years, it is easy to see why these are Victoria’s premier trail running events, just from the finish line smiles.

“To see the size of the competitors’ smiles as they crossed the finish line throughout the Series cements why we do what we do – we are genuinely proud of everyone’s efforts who made the atmosphere at each race simple amazing this year,” said Maffett.

Series runner Jessica Curnow says, “Another awesome five trail runs; I love that I always finish the Series wanting more!”

The Silvan Race makes up one of five races in the Series with all venues within a ~1 hour drive of Melbourne. Each race featured a short course race that varied in length between 5km and 7km, a medium course (between 10km and 15km) and a long course between 15km and 22km at its longest.

The addition of the ‘Kids Run’ at Silvan provided a fun challenge with 50 junior runners getting involved in the enthusiasm that trail running offers.

Competitors had the opportunity to run on little-known trails throughout the Series; down fun single tracks that passed through scenic landscapes; and were treated to many native wildlife sightings – all in a welcoming event environment.

“Thank you to everyone who took part in one our races,” said Maffett. “We hope all runners stay inspired by the magic of the trails and friendships formed with like-minded people.”

Plans for the 2023 Trail Running Series will be shared on the event website shortly, with entries set to open early next year.