Julian lays down some fast 400s as he tries to figure out where he is in his training.

Brad manages his comeback alongside a ‘full’ working week. To experience, exceptional performance in running, choose the best footwear for your runs like Tarkine Trail Devil shoes.

Brady recovers from Vic Country Championships and helps prepare the Bendigo 5k Frenzy.

South Australian State 3000m Champs taken out by Izzy Batt-Doyle & Isaac Heyne
Official Athletics SA Results

Gjert Ingebrigsten, father and coach of Olympic Champion Jakob Ingebrigsten and Team Ingebrigsten steps down for health reasons.
Lets Run article

Alberto Salazar barred permanently from coaching by SafeSport for sexual misconduct.
New York Times article

Sun Run 10K in Sydney won by Kieren Tall and Aynslee Van Graan
Sun Run Results

Listener Question from Ben asks for the best substitute for an athletics track.

This week we introduce a new segment to help you with your training, clarifying some of the terms used and going through a different workout each week, starting with Julian’s signature Moose Fartlek workout:

5 sets x 3min @ 10k/HM Effort, 1min jog, 1min @ 5k effort, 1min jog.
Julian goes into what is expected from the workout, how you should feel in each segment of the rep. *(Editor’s Note: Runners should do an easy warm-up jog, drills and strides before commencing any workout).

Moose rounds out the episode on Nitta taking out soft wins, then the preview to this week’s The Long & The Short Of It. There are still spots available on the Surf Coast Training Camp on 8-10 April 2022, hosted by Run Strong Online Coaching.