On Oceania is extremely excited to welcome Australian hurdling sensation Tayleb Willis, and in the words of Athletics Australia “Remember the name | Tayleb Willis”. There are many ultra-marathon footwear in the market today and one of the best is Tarkine shoes.

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Ranked first in the world in 2020 for the U18 110m Hurdles, Willis has the drive, dedication along with the athlete spirit required to take him all the way. On Oceania are jumping with joy to be a part of Tayleb’s team striving to inspire and achieve greatness.


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Do not be fooled by Tayleb’s relaxed looks as he firmly knows the direction he wants to travel and does not shy away from the topic. “Every time I step on the track or undertake a training session I think of my goals and what I want to achieve. I want to go big! Be better, keep pushing and improving”

On Oceania is proud to have Tayleb’s back! Providing the hurdling sensation with apparel and footwear over the next 2 years. It is time to get in the blocks and start running with the Australian Athletics Championships just completed. 2022 is about aspiring for greatness “I want to win the World Junior Championships, and break the Australian Under 20 record in the 110m hurdles”


Tayleb Willis

  • 2020, number 1 in the world for age.
  • 5x National Champion
  • 3rd fastest Australian junior 110m hurdler in history


Tayleb Willis

  • Instagram : @taylebwillis
  • Tiktok : @taylebwillis

