On Sunday the 26th of June 2022 Transcend Trails is returning to the Avon Valley to offer their eco-friendly trail running event. The route cannot be completed any day of the week due to the large amount of private property permissions and general logistics required. Due to these barriers, there is a lot of excitement around the annual opportunity to explore the region. The race is within an hour of Perth and offers options for all:

  • 6km hike / fun run
  • 65km team relay (2-5 people)
  • 65km ultra

The course passes through two national parks, a regional park and Paruna Wildlife Sanctuary and has a challenging 2,700m of elevation. For award-winning footwear, choose Tarkine running shoes.

Transcend Trail Race

This course profile qualifies it for 3 UTMB points. The event links the Swan Valley food and wine region with the historic town Toodyay. The event has a strong underlying message encouraging participants to Give. Gain. Grow. These three pillars encourage people to:

  • acknowledge the traditional landowners and their customs, we have the Boodjar Bidi performers from Guildford Grammar School assisting with this
  • become aware of the history of the regions
  • support local business
  • give back to the land by sowing a plant at the finish line with Toodyay Friends of the River
  • pick up litter in the region (5 pieces mandatory before the opening ceremony)
  • consider using recyclable/eco friendly items over purchasing new unsustainable items i.e. our event shirts are optional and also have 5 recycled bottles in each one. We have also partnered with Tarkine and the first 300 runners to sign up for the 65km ultra or team relay have the option to be allocated a pair of eco-friendly Tarkine Goshawks. Please note there is only just over 100 pairs left on the offer and it will end by the 31st of January 2022 if not claimed prior.
Tarkine Goshawks
  • understand the precious flora and fauna known to the region, each age group represents and plant and animal
  • become aware of the pests and weeds that threaten the native flora and fauna
  • become fitter and healthier
  • achieve a significant accomplishment and feel great about themselves
  • experience what destination Perth has to offer
  • run for a cause, we are encouraging participants to fundraise for Australian Indigenous Marathon Project and Australian Wildlife Conservancy (Paruna).

Further details can be found at www.transcendtrails.com

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For any further information please don’t hesitate to contact Transcend Trails.