Intermittent fasting (IF) is a type of fasting in which the person alternates between regular periods of fasting and eating. The period of the fast varies depending on the individual, with some people preferring 6-12 hour fast periods, while others may extend it beyond 18 hours to more than a day. During the period of fast, the person can limit themselves to fluids such as water and tea, while during the eating period, the person eats regular meals or can combine IF with other diet techniques such as Keto.

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On its own, intermittent fasting has great benefits; health benefits by positively affecting gut microbiota, which improves our metabolism, and benefits the circadian rhythm by positively improving sleep and activity through improved liver functioning. Check out a MasterPapers Review to find information on experts that can tackle an assignment on intermittent fasting for you. 

Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Most college students with a busy college schedule only eat when time is available and otherwise snack or drink caffeine and highly sugary drinks the rest of the day. This is a grand recipe for health problems later, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Such a diet also leaves one feeling sluggish and low in energy. 

According to researchers, intermittent fasting reduces the available amount of detrimental free oxygen radicals in the body. Intermittent fasting also improves cellular responses to glucose regulation, suppresses inflammation and hypertension, and improves stress resistance. Practitioners of intermittent fasting have also testified to the immense benefits it has on energy levels, focus, and an overall feeling of being clear-headed.

Cautions When Doing Intermittent Fasting

Despite the numerous benefits provided by IF, it is always important to check with your doctor before embarking on lengthy or extended periods of fasting. This is especially crucial for insulin-requiring diabetics and others who may have underlying health issues such as cardiovascular disease and asthma. In addition, when switching to an intermittent fasting regime for the first time, many people might experience hunger, irritability, and increased headaches. However, these symptoms should reduce or disappear completely within the first one month or so. 

5 Tips to Make Intermittent Fasting Work for You as a Student

Students who are already dealing with a packed schedule may not see how intermittent fasting would work for them; after all, food contains energy, and every student needs energy. However, a lot of the food that students eat, especially junk and snacks, ends up in the wrong places and not doing the work required. Intermittent fasting, coupled with other dieting techniques, can thus be a great way of keeping your health, weight, and mental acuity in check. 

Use These 5 Tips to Make IF Work for You:

  1. Understand What Works for You 

Intermittent fasting doesn’t mean that you starve yourself, as this would not only be counterproductive but dangerous as well. IF simply means avoiding food (or drink) during certain periods alternating with periods of eating. What works for one person may not work for another. For example, some people can comfortably go 16 hours on a complete dry fast for one day a week, while others can only fast for a few hours each day, several times a week. Know what works for you by trying out different times, amounts of food, diets, etc.

  1. Write Down Your Expectations and Results

It is important to be systematic and intentional about your fasting, especially when you are just starting. Create a diary specifically for your intermittent fast and note down calorie intakes, food contents, and fasting times, measure your weight regularly and note it down, and write down your different mood patterns and ability to focus and concentrate. Then, sooner rather than later, you’ll start to see a trend emerging. 

  1. Know Why You Are Fasting 

Some students want IF to cut down on weight gain. Athletes might prefer to do it because of the ability to regularize and improve digestion and metabolic processes. Knowing exactly why you are embarking on the fast will help you make clear and informed choices. 

  1. Get a Friend to Participate or Motivate You

Going on the fast with a friend is a great way to improve your regimen and compare results. Besides this, it is a great way to stay motivated and disciplined throughout your diet. 

  1. Don’t Fast on Crucial Days If You Aren’t Prepared

If you are new to intermittent fasting and still haven’t mastered your body and yourself, fasting on important days such as on test days isn’t a great idea. Intermittent fasting completely resets your body rhythm, including the circadian rhythm. The last thing you’d want to do is go into an important test feeling dreary. It is also ill-advised to fast when you are feeling unwell. 

Intermittent Fasting Can Benefit You Greatly as a Student

Just as intermittent fasting has numerous health benefits, TopEssayBrands will help boost your productivity as a student with limited time to study, relax and do all other kinds of tasks. With the right information and guidance, intermittent fasting can benefit you greatly in your student and post-student life.