Campus life is full of challenges and difficulties. To become productive, overcome hindrances and find quality free time to let loose, students need to partake in different physical activities.

There’s nothing that beats running when it comes to releasing tension and steam and even shedding off some pounds.   Running has a positive impact on the student’s health and overall well-being.

If you’re thinking of running, but you don’t know how to start, you’ve come to the right place.  In this article, we highlighted a few tips to help you start a running routine on campus.

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Why Running is so good for students

Before we dive deeper into the article, let’s see other benefits that campus students can gain from running.

It provides you with time to unwind

Some alone time is great for every college and university student.  Going for a jog in the evening or night helps drain off massive workloads and obligations from your mind. Also, running is a great way to escape commotion and hectic noises around the campus or hostels. Breathing fresh air for 15 minutes can go a long way in recharging your positive thoughts and flushing out negative thoughts.

Enhances better progress

As a student, you’re continuously overburdened with assignments like writing an essay or a research paper that must be submitted in time. And when your brain fails to keep you calm and relaxed, tension might increase.

But when you run regularly, you can remodel your brain’s attention and improve its functionality. However, running sometimes isn’t enough.  If you’re in a dire situation with your assignments, you can always choose our essay writing service, which will provide you with cheap and professional assistance. You can choose from a range of different services to meet your needs.

Opting to get help from professionals can improve your grades considerably. It also clears uptime, which you can use to go on runs.  Alternatively, you can consider waking up early to do your assignment before heading for your morning run.

Running also keeps you mindful. After a morning or evening run, you’ll feel calmer and at peace. This means you can concentrate on the assignments or projects you’re working on.

Great way to burn excess tension and calories

It’s not always a good idea to stay in a closed space all day reading.  You might find difficulties coping with your curriculum, and let’s not forget the high amount of snacks you’ll consume because of the troublesome studying. 

By running, you’ll burn the excess calories that you’ve consumed. Also, running helps to trigger the secretion of serotonin, a hormone that induces happiness. Not only will you lose some weight and look fit, but you would also feel more relieved from stress and anxiety.

6 best ways to start running and establish a running routine on campus

In this section, we will look at the best ways to start running on campus.  Without further delay, let’s dive in.

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1.   Just Get Started

If you’ve been asking yourself how to start being a runner on campus, then the answer is quite simple “Start Running.”  Stop spending weeks or months thinking about how to run or browsing on the net for tips and plans.  Just get out there regularly so you can establish a habit and get used to being on your feet.

You don’t have to set a certain pace or reach a certain distance, just set a time goal.  Once you’ve finished your custom essays in the evening, get on a treadmill or outside for 20 minutes.

2.   Stretch, Stretch, Stretch

Before and after every run, it’s essential to stretch.  When you stretch, you’ll prevent your body from suffering from soreness and injuries.  Yes!  Your muscle will hurt after running, but when you stretch, you’ll reduce the pain or soreness.

3.   Be consistent

Consistency helps to build stamina.  You can start by running every three days or every day, whatever makes your body feel comfortable. However, don’t let your body sit for too long without running, because you won’t manage to build any resistance.  It’s also important to keep track of when, how much, and how long you’re running to make sure that you’re consistent.

4.   Choosing a training plan

There are many elaborate training plans online, but we recommend you keep it simple. Check out this simple formula for a training plan:

  •       Train every day or every three days a week
  •       Run or walk for 20 to 30 minute, every two days a week
  •       Run or walk for 40 minutes or an hour on the weekends
  •       Cross-train or rest when you have free time
  •       Take regular walk-breaks

5.   Find Motivation

When you start running alone, you’ll feel excited and energized about your new commitment. However, you might experience difficulties along the way, which will test your commitment and motivation.

Thankful, they’re few strategies that you can use to stay motivated.  First, consider running a partner or joining a running group.  Look for a running a group on your campus that appeals to you and join them.  Some groups focus on the social aspects of running, while others focus on charity or run for a common cause.

Another way to get motivated while running is by listening to music. Create a running playlist that will keep you energized, especially during long runs. But remember using headphones while running comes with a few pros and cons.  For instance, headphone limits your ability to hear background noises; this might put your safety at risk.

6.   Dressing code

Your dressing code will depend on UK weather. If it’s cold, wear thin layers of synthetic material like polypropylene to wick sweat from your body. Avoid cotton clothing since they keep moisture, hence keeping you wet.  On the outer, consider wearing a breathable Gore-Tex layer or Nylon, which offers you protection against wind or precipitation while keeping you cool.

If it’s hot, wear loose-fitting and light-coloured cloth to keep your body cool.  Wear clothes made from synthetic fibre since they wick moisture away from your skin.  If you want to block the heat from the sun, wear a visor.  Don’t forget to put on a good pair of running shoes.


It’s no secret; running is difficult.  But once you’ve forced yourself to do it, it will become much easier over time. You must maintain consistency, patience, and persistence if you want to find success with a training routine. Remember, running will improve your overall health and your focus in class and increase your productivity.