Runners are a unique breed. They are the type that set goals for themselves, follow through, and prioritize their mental and physical well-being. Running can be hard to get into, but once you start, it can become addictive. You don’t need a gym membership or any fancy equipment, just a good supportive pair of running shoes

If you’re on a quest to improve your running, or you’ve been doing it for years and want to take it to the next level, it’s important to know the mistakes that can be made. Let’s go over some of the things you might be doing wrong and the fixes.

Pushing Yourself to Progress Too Fast

Having a physical health goal is fabulous. It gives you something tangible to work towards, helps you create a game plan, and keeps you on track. The problem is people often get a little too overzealous when it comes to goals and reaching them. Pushing your progress too fast means you risk injuring yourself. If you sustain an injury while training or running, it is going to throw all your goals out the window while you take time to recover.

Training Too Hard

This mistake ties into the one above. Perhaps you aren’t progressing too quickly, but you are pushing yourself too hard. Running too fast, too far, or on challenging routes can pose a risk to your body physically. Again, think about what would happen if you sustained an injury. 

Training Too Often and Not Getting Enough Rest

A big part of becoming physically fit is making it a habit or a routine. Most people aren’t excited to work out, at least not in the beginning, but once it becomes a habit there is much less mental resistance. Where you need to be careful is in balancing how often you run with how much rest you give yourself. Your body needs time to recover physically, meaning more is not always better. 

Experts recommend that you take at least one full day off from running and training each week. Doing this will allow your body to recover, and you won’t lose any of the progress you’ve made. On your day off, treat yourself to something fun and relaxing that has nothing to do with running. You can enjoy a great gaming experience, read a book, hang out with friends, or immerse yourself in any other hobby that interests you.

Running Through Pain and Not Listening to Your Body

No matter what kind of physical activity you’re doing, you always need to be in tune with your body and listen to it. If you are in pain, something doesn’t feel right, or an action is causing discomfort in a specific area, stop what you’re doing. Running through pain doesn’t get you a medal of honor. On the contrary, it can set you back.

Not Setting Realistic Goals for Yourself

Let’s go back to goals for a moment, which should be a part of anyone’s workout plans. Whether you are just starting to get into running or you’re an expert, goals are necessary. Just make sure your goals are realistic. If they aren’t realistic, you risk injuries and will feel disappointed you aren’t reaching those milestones; you may even stop listening to your body.

Not Having Proper Form or Losing Control on Hills

There is also the technical aspect of running. Professional runners know just how much training is needed to create a proper stride and form. 

A couple of tips to use are to keep your hands at waist level while you run. Elbows should always be at your sides with your arms at a 90-degree angle. Your arms should swing back and forth, rotating at your shoulder only. Your torso should always be erect with your head up (not looking down). Focus on keeping your shoulders level while your back stays straight.

Running down hills can be especially challenging, and it’s not unusual for runners to lose some control. Pay close attention to your form as you run downhill, being careful not to injure yourself. Experts suggest leaning forward just a little and using quick, short strides. Some tend to lean back as they run downhill, but this can lead to injuries and is therefore not recommended.

Not Properly Hydrating Yourself

Take a look at your pre-run routine and look for tweaks you can make. Runners are sometimes guilty of not hydrating enough before or during a run because they don’t want to stop for bathroom breaks. The thing is, you need to stay hydrated when not working out and even more when running. If you aren’t properly hydrated, it will negatively affect your performance.

A good rule to follow is to drink at least 16 ounces one hour before you run. You can then drink about four ounces right before you start, and bring water with you. Aim to drink four to six ounces every 20 minutes on your run. Once you’re done, hydrate again. Water is always the best bet, but sports hydration drinks can also be good—as long as they don’t contain caffeine.

Even Seasoned Runners Can Make Mistakes

As humans, we are always learning something new and adding to our knowledge. Running is no different, and just because you’ve been doing it for a while doesn’t mean you know everything about it. There is always something more you can learn, new techniques to try, and tips to ensure you are set up for success. Knowing about these mistakes means you can avoid making them and get the most out of this sport.


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