What’s your favourite way to blow off steam after a long week of work? Running and online games are easily two of the most popular ways to relax after a tiring day, and there’s also a large crossover between those who enjoy them. After all, both allow you to tune out and release plenty of feel-good dopamine.

However, to reap the benefits of both, you need to make sure you’re balancing them well. This sounds simple, but like all things in life, it can be tough to draw the line. In this article, we’re exploring how to maintain a healthy balance between running practice and gaming sessions. From strategies to why you need a balance, you’ll find everything you need to know.

The Importance of Running and Game Downtime

Before we jump straight into creating a balance, let’s quickly explore why running and online games are so beneficial. 

Both running and gaming offer the chance to take your mind off life’s stressors, such as work or relationships. They also promote feel-good hormones, leading to better mental well-being and less stress. Running also provides a plethora of health benefits, such as better sleep, improved cardiovascular health, and stronger muscles. 

While gaming isn’t as healthy for your body, it allows you to connect with like-minded players and practise problem solving. From MMORPG games to traditional casino games, giving your brain a chance to attack problems is healthy and can combat dementia. 

Casino games, in particular, are becoming a popular way to relax online. Plus, with offers like the Mega Moolah $1 deposit, you can get a head start even if you’re new to the genre.

Striking a Balance Between the Hobbies

Running and gaming are both positive additions to your life. But if they’re not balanced, you may not be able to make the most of their benefits. For example, going on too many runs without taking rest days can even lead to negative health impacts, which is called over-exercising. Signs you’re exercising too much include:

  • Decrease in running performance
  • Fatigue
  • Regular injuries
  • Changes in appetite
  • Mood swings

Likewise, spending too much time playing games online can also have negative consequences. These include negative moods, poor hygiene, neglecting other activities, obsessive behaviour, and feeling down when you can’t play. So, getting the balance right between the two has never been more important– especially for runners wanting to improve their PB times.

5 Strategies to Maintain a Healthy Running and Gaming Schedule

With a little planning and self-awareness, striking a healthy balance is totally doable. Here are five tips to help you achieve that.

1. Create a Running Plan

Training plans don’t only help you run faster and feel fitter! They can also help you organise your time and avoid over-exercising. Look at your average week and be realistic about how often–and far–you can run. For many, this may be three to four days per week.

2. Setting Honest Gaming Limits

Like making a running plan, you should also make a gaming plan. This should include how long you can play per day and whether there are any days where you limit your gaming time.

3. Listening to Your Body

If something’s out of balance, your body will let you know. Aches and pains from gaming too long or constant injuries due to running too much are clear signs you need to step back and aim for a better balance. 

4. Joining Outside Communities

Sometimes, connecting with others can give you clear insights into your own behaviour. For example, joining a running group or online gaming community will show you how often other people are practising and how they divide up their time. This can show you what is and isn’t healthy, and you can learn from other people’s mistakes. Perfect.

5. Using Motivation to Get Up and Go

A common issue people face when balancing running and gaming is the lack of motivation to get up and go. When you’re comfortably playing, the last thing you often want to do is get up and active. This is especially true in the cold, wet months. 

However, understanding that motivation comes from within is critical to achieving your goals. Get to know what inspires you and use it to your advantage when it’s time to run. 

Final Thoughts

Creating a healthy balance between gaming and running is possible, and you’ll be enjoying the best of both worlds in no time. Discover more about being a better runner on the Runner’s Tribe features page.