The health improving running is the simplest and technically the most accessible type of cyclic exercise, and therefore the most massive. According to estimates, more than 100 million people of middle and old age of our planet use running as revival means. Both health-improving run and speed walking have beneficial properties that are difficult to reproduce with any other type of physical activity. First of all, it has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, including all types of small vessels – arterioles, venules, capillaries.

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In this article, Pro-Papers will explain why running is the best sport for students.

Studying in a higher educational institution requires great emotional, psychological and physical activity for students. All this depends on the student’s practical efficiency level. With a constant increase in the intensity of mental labor, students experience a decrease in motor activity. Therefore, recently, statistics have recorded the worsening of the health of the younger generation. There is a tendency towards negative changes in the state of health of student youth. All this leads to various diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, respiratory and locomotor systems as well.

The most popular and available means of improving the conditioning training are walking and running. Running is useful cause it involves all organs and systems of the body, including respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular, in the performance of work. It gives a significant load on the locomotor system, joints, ligaments, tendons, and spine.

Studies have shown that running, especially the health improving running, is one of the most effective loads. It has a beneficial effect on the physical condition and human health. According to scientific data, the effect of running on the body is very positive. In particular:

– it lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and thus contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis;

 – it increases the shocking volume of the heart, and as a result the lumen of the heart vessels becomes bigger and after several years of running practice the lumen becomes more than twice bigger;

 – it improves blood circulation in the lower extremities by reducing their muscles and actively pushing the blood towards the heart (the muscle pump), which promotes the prevention of varicose veins;

 – after running arteries of leg muscles and capillaries of the skin widen and stay in such a state for a long time, which contributes to the normalization of indicators of blood pressure;

 – In average about 700 kilocalories are spent over one hour of running.

As Pro-Paper’s sports expert, Colin Stenson says: “For 3 hours of slow jogging, 2,100 kilocalories are burnt. Such amount of energy a person working intellectually wastes for a day. Thus, 3 hours of running per week are equivalent to one-day starvation with the loss of an appropriate amount of body weight.”

The running has a positive impact not only on the physical state, but also on the mood and human state of mind. 30 minutes of jogging improves mood and provides confidence in one’s strengths, actions, and decisions. This is explained by the fact that active physical activity (including physical labor) stimulates the production of a “cheerful mind hormone”, which is called endorphin. After 30 minutes of running, it stays in the blood for the rest of the day.

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Independent physical training and sports, in particular, jogging, help students to eliminate the lack of their motor activity and contribute to a more successful studying. In the process of an individual exercising, students learn to control their physical and functional development, the steady habit for wealthy running forms.

Students who have a will to do their own well-off running should remember and adhere to the next recommendations:

  1. It is better to start running 1,5-2 hours after eating, and not later than in 1-2 hours before bedtime.
  2. The activity can be carried out in the open air, while air temperature should not be low;
  3. After each session in 15-25 minutes (after stopping sweating), you must take a shower that soothes the nervous system and cleanses the skin.

To maintain a level of physical fitness, two or three short sessions per week are enough.

Try not to strain the body in the process of running, but on the contrary, to keep it in a relaxed state. Try to breathe not only through the nose, but also with the help of the mouth. Over time, you will learn to establish the correct rhythm of breathing while running. Keep your elbows bent, but your hands should be relaxed. Carefully choose shoes for running. It must be sneakers. When choosing sneakers, pay enough attention to the sole, it should be elastic.

To sum up, among the main types of exercise that have the best health-improving potential, the running is in third place, after cross-country skiing and swimming. Running is accessible at anytime and anywhere: at the stadium, in the woods and even in the room. Scientists have proven that regular jogging affects all systems of the body, where the biochemical, morphological and functional processes take place. The level of endorphins – substances that reduce pain and cause positive emotions – increases in the blood. In addition, the strength, mobility and nerve processes balance become better.

Proceeding from the above, it is vitally important to start using all means of physical culture and running already at the young age in particular for health saving and active longevity in order to prevent the progression of chronic diseases and various complications.