Julian holds out the origin story behind “Moose” as he reaches 100 miles.

Brad mixes his running with weights as his New Years’ plans get derailed.

Brady’s rebuild gains momentum as Moama deals with border closures again.

Stewy McSweyn sets Australian All-Comers Mile record in Penguin and finishes as the World Lead Mile time for 2020. World Athletics Article

The listener question from Johnny asks about indicator workouts leading into different race distances, while Moose’s purchases take him Inside a Marathon with Scott Fauble before getting Loose on the same old year in review and resolutions clogging up his newsfeed.

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Tune in to the livestream on Saturday January 9th, 2021 for the RunACT 5K at Stromlo Forest Park that will feature both local and elite athletes.

New 5K road-race in ACT to be run on cycling circuit for fast times

Also coming up is the 5K Frenzy at Bendigo Athletics Track, Flora Hill hosted by Bendigo Harriers on Friday 15th January, 2021 which you can find more about at bendigoharriers.org/

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