Australian Athlete is brought to you by Athletics Australia and Runner’s Tribe. Printed using high quality, environmentally responsible materials, a true special edition masterpiece for athletes, families, and fans to hold onto forever.

Matt Beckenham is the coach of Melissa Breen, Lauren Boden, Sarah Walsh, Tom Agnew, Jordan Shelley and a bunch of other past and present elite athletes. Visit his website at
Have you ever given something everything you had and expected something amazing to happen, only to unknowingly sabotage yourself and your success? That was essentially my 2019 season in a nutshell.
Elite athletes are like everyone else and contend with numerous day-to-day life challenges.  Balancing these issues with what is required to be an elite athlete is something Brooke Stratton knows all too well.
It is part and parcel of an athlete's career that they are judged purely on their results, and quite often the journey behind the results is ignored. Rohan Browning has lived both the extreme highs and lows of this journey, since he began his athletics career in 2014.  Browning was discovered by his current (and only) coach, Andrew Murphy, whilst attending Trinity Grammar School in Sydney. The path towards becoming Australia's equal third fastest 100m sprinter of all-time has been filled with setbacks. However, despite this, Browning is without a doubt one of the top sprinters this country has produced. And he is just 21 years of age.
JACK RAYNER: TURNING DROSS INTO GOLD By Len Johnson “All the big Australian stars. Deek, Mona – definitely, I’d like to make a big impact like them in the marathon one day.” -  Jack Rayner For a year which is ending on a massive high, 2018 certainly did not start auspiciously for...
By Steve Moneghetti People who know me know I don’t believe in perfection but that you prepare meticulously, be on the start line in the best shape possible and then execute your race plan as well as you can. After that the result will be often determined by many other factors, but you finish knowing that you have done everything you could.
COACH’S PERSPECTIVE – DENG AND BOL’S BREAKTHROUGH YEAR By Justin Rinaldi At the start of the 2018 perpetration period, Joseph Deng, Peter Bol and I talked about the goals for the year ahead and what we wanted to achieve.  In order they were: 1. Finish first and second at the Commonwealth...
