RT Journals

Catch all the latest from all our track and field stars as they discuss everything from their personal training sessions to updates on their athletic journey.

Hello Runners, This is my first blog for Runner’s Tribe and I hope you all enjoy it. Far from my life story, here are some quick opinions and anecdotes … Being a hatchet: My former school teacher, long time coach and good mate Johnny Meagher is great with an analogy. He described...
12 months ago World Cross Country Trials weren’t really on my mind at all, in fact athletics and running were completely off the radar. After, injuring myself at Falls Creek on a training camp and being diagnosed with medial plica syndrome in my left knee, I had also just...
The World XC trial was a race I had in mind for a long while. The distance was stepped up to 8km, it was at my favourite cross country course (Stromlo Foret Park) and there were World XC spots on the line. Three reasons why it was very hard not...
Since Jack Curran and Jack Davies have already blogged about their world xc trials experiences, I thought I would give some input from my perspective. Just to start off I think I should introduce myself a bit. I’m 16 years old, live in Sydney and train with Sean Williams. I...
Hi everyone! Hopefully you all had a great Christmas and New Years break. Firstly a quick recap... Since last time I wrote I have come off a 6 week break from Achilles Tendonopathy which left me belting out sessions on the elliptical trainer, stationary bike and for a short period of...
There are two questions on my mind as I sit down to write my first blog for Runners Tribe. Having just heard that outside temperature has reached 40 degrees and is expected to hit 44 tomorrow, I am trying to figure out the best time to train today and...
Happy New Year to everyone!! This is a time when a lot of Australian’s find themselves eating and drinking a little too much over this festive period while a large group of runner’s from all over Australia make their way up to the mountains and other training camps around...
Returning from Canada, I arrived straight into the heart of the school athletic season. Fira decided that although ideally she’d prefer for me to have one or two weeks off, we would use the school season to build speed. Hence I never participated in a 400m until CAS. CAS night...
It’s hard to believe that merely one year ago, I decided to pursue the sport of athletics full time. Prior, my life revolved around football (soccer) and to some degree it still does. I’ve decided to base my first blog around the past year, a time in which has...
It’s getting to that time of year when many people out there are thinking whether or not to go to train at altitude ahead of the summer track season. Well here’s my two cents worth – if you can’t decide. First thing I’d do is set out your goals for...
Runner's Tribe