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Run School is here to give all levels of runners information and advice to improve their running and to stay injury free. From top physiotherapist, podiatrists, trainers, doctors, coaches, massage therapist, athletes and more knowledgable experts. ‘Run School,’ will keep you informed by only the highest end sources on a regular basis.

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After a run, have you noticed a thin film of salt on your skin? This salty residue is a sign that your body is losing electrolytes through sweat. Sweat contains a blend of electrolytes, vital for maintaining fluid balance and muscle function. Jonathan Toker, Ph.D., an organic chemist and elite trail runner who founded SaltStick, explains, "Electrolytes are ions that conduct electrical activity and are essential for maintaining proper fluid balance and muscle function."
Magnesium might not be the first nutrient that comes to mind when considering a healthy diet, but ensuring an adequate intake of magnesium-rich foods is vital for optimal health. This is particularly important for runners, who may require higher amounts of magnesium than the general population.
The realm of diet trends is ever-expanding, with each new fad promising enhanced health and wellness. One such trend, the alkaline diet, suggests that prioritizing alkaline foods over those that produce acid can improve your body’s pH balance, potentially aiding in weight management, boosting energy levels, and even combating diseases like cancer. But how credible are these claims? Let’s explore the principles of the alkaline diet and evaluate its potential benefits.
Eugene, Ore. – This Saturday, Jakob Ingebrigtsen, the 23-year-old Olympic 1,500m champion, will make his long-awaited return to competitive racing at the Prefontaine Classic’s Bowerman Mile. This event will mark Ingebrigtsen's first race in eight months.
Endurance athletes, especially ultrarunners, are no strangers to pushing their bodies to the limit. However, recent research highlights a significant health risk associated with this extreme sport: acute kidney injury (AKI). A study published in Physiological Reports reveals that ultra-trail runners face an elevated risk of AKI, particularly during the first half of their races.
In the world of running, the options are as vast as the trails themselves. Whether it's pounding the pavement, circling the track, or sweating it out on the treadmill, each avenue offers its own unique experience. But there's a growing trend pulling runners off the beaten path and into the embrace of nature: trail running. Over the past decade, trail running has seen a staggering 231% increase in popularity, drawing enthusiasts with its blend of adventure and physical challenge.
Embarking on a marathon journey requires more than just physical endurance; it demands a meticulous approach to nutrition and hydration. As you prepare to conquer 26.2 miles of pavement, equipping yourself with the right fueling plan can mean the difference between hitting the wall and crossing the finish line with strength and satisfaction. Here's how to master your marathon nutrition for optimal performance.
Bananas have secured their status as a must-have in the routines of runners worldwide, gracing pre-run breakfast tables and post-race goodie bags alike. But beyond their fruity allure, bananas stand as a symbol of sustenance and vitality in the running community.
Lifetime runners are a rare breed. I certainly was not able to manage it, the selfishness of the commitment dousing the fire of competitive desire and the level of dedication that lifetime running entails. Though a flicker remained through midlife, primed to become a raging inferno once I was ready again. I have come back to running, and I will not, cannot, let it go. This may sound melodramatic, and it is, quietly so, representing the flourish of commitment to a running life that faltered and is now renewed.
Going beyond the confines of the traditional marathon lies the realm of ultra marathons—an ultimate test of endurance that surpasses the standard 26.2 miles (42.1k). Spanning from single-day 50k (31 miles) sprints to grueling multi-stage races covering hundreds of miles, these events traverse challenging terrains, pushing athletes to their physical and mental limits.