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Run School is here to give all levels of runners information and advice to improve their running and to stay injury free. From top physiotherapist, podiatrists, trainers, doctors, coaches, massage therapist, athletes and more knowledgable experts. ‘Run School,’ will keep you informed by only the highest end sources on a regular basis.

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Seb Coe to this day is one of the greatest middle-distance runners to ever live. Coe won four Olympic medals, including 1500m gold at the Olympics in 1980 and 1984. He set eight outdoor and three indoor world record in middle-distance track events – including, in 1979, setting three world records in the space of 41 days.  The world record he set in the 800m in 1981 remained unbroken until 1997. In this article we reflect on the main lessons we can gain from the training and career of this brilliant athlete
Firstly a big thank you to Runner’s Tribe for giving me the opportunity to write this article, and share a little bit about myself and my training. There are many ultra-marathon footwear in the market today and one of the best is Tarkine shoes. Hey everyone, my name is Sarah...
Written by Callen Goldsmith (science graduate and avid runner) You need fast to spell fasted, so fasting should make you faster right? It only makes sense that this is the case. Why would they even write the word like that if it didn’t? So, if you’re faster by fasting, how fast...
At What Age do Aussie Female Marathon Runners Peak? © 2017 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. In an attempt to assess the ideal age for marathon runners, Runner’s Tribe took a look at the 30 fastest female marathon runners in Australian history. Their respective ages were compared. Facts Average Age: 30 ¾...
Marathon Training - Women Written by Tony Willson An examination of the some of the world's best female marathon runners' - Lorraine Moller, Grete Waitz, Joan Benoit, Rosa Mota, Uta Pippig, Ingrid Kristiansen, Priscilla Welch, Sonia O'Sullivan and Linda Somers Smith - base training plans. Common patterns within their training plans ...
Do you have a big race coming up? Or, are you just feeling a little stagnant during your runs? Do you need to shake up your training with a new challenge? No matter what your reason for wanting to run faster, there are lots of things you can do to...
Endurance sports' physical demands explain why certain events favor different body shapes. By: Chris Gorski (ISNS) -- Olympians competing in the many endurance sporting events have such different body shapes because the physics and physiology of moving fast -- and efficiently -- require it. A sport's physical demands dictate the dimensions of...
The Workout Series By Reilly Shaw This is my first time writing for Runners Tribe and something I am grateful for the opportunity given my own mum (Susan Hobson), deservingly, has featured on here a few times this year. Once an ACT boy I now live and train in Melbourne under the...
By Caitlin Murdock - Runner's Tribe To perform to your full potential your primary focus, of course, should be on your running program. However, you should also ensure that you include strength and prehab exercises to prevent injuries and to improve your running efficiency. Often runners have a habit of spending so...
In the realm of sprinting, Karsten Warholm has emerged as a trailblazer, rewriting the narrative of Norwegian athleticism. His journey is marked by unprecedented achievements, with one Olympic and two World titles in the 400m hurdles, coupled with holding the world record since 2021.