Run School

Run School is here to give all levels of runners information and advice to improve their running and to stay injury free. From top physiotherapist, podiatrists, trainers, doctors, coaches, massage therapist, athletes and more knowledgable experts. ‘Run School,’ will keep you informed by only the highest end sources on a regular basis.

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Returning to Training: How to adjust your training intensity after a training break As runners, few things are more frustrating than being sidelined with sickness, soreness or injury. There will often be an itch to get back into training that gets stronger with each day of scheduled training you miss....
Overtraining Syndrome | RT Journal By Craig Burns I remember a few sessions where all I wanted to do was cry because I felt so defeated. The last 4 months. The last 4 months have been crap. I wouldn't say it’s been hell. I can think of worse things that would...
RT's Run School | The Politics of Performance by Mark Blomeley Generally my posts on Runner’s Tribe are about physical performance, and in particular those choices we make in our training that affect our performance. Today, I want to talk more about the mental side of performance, in particular how...
Who are you choosing to look after your strength and conditioning? By Mark Blomeley for RT's Run School Strength and conditioning is a continual growth area within the running industry, which I believe is a very positive sign for runners on the whole. There are direct performance benefits to running when...
RT Journals The Workout Series | Maudie Skyring I train in Wollongong with my coach Paul Micale. We have a fairly big squad of boys and girls who all push each other hard. I love turning up to training and being able to socialise with all the squad, and...
Why you need to stop rushing for the Holy Grail | By Mark Blomeley There is an ever increasing trend that recreational runners want to run marathons and ultra-marathons. While I think it’s fantastic that so many more people are entering the sport with defined goals, it’s important to understand...
Tom Fawthorpe RT Journal | The Workout Series My training is mainly based around the old saying of quality over quantity. The main reason behind this is due to injuries I have suffered in the past. When I was a bit younger I didn’t really listen to my body and...
Why Movement matters | Written by Mark Blomeley Movement is one of those things that we can easily take for granted until it’s gone or impaired. Think about it, if you’re injured and unable to walk around properly, you’re in a constant state of thinking about the next painful move...
Favourite sessions – Surprise Fartlek RT Journal by Russ Dessaix-Chin | The Workout Series If you want to bring a bit of fun and freshness to training, this session is a great one to include in the collection. I’m sure most of you would have guessed how it works just from...
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