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Articles from experts in their fields helping you reach your maximum performance levels

Runner’s Tribe - By Alex Dreyer - Nutritionists  At some point in your athletic career, be you elite, amateur, recreational, or age-grouper, there comes a time when a decision must be made about whether to take one of those shiny gels being handed to you at an aid station in that...
Originally Published, Monday, June 24, 2019 - 13:15, Rodrigo Pérez Ortega, Contributor, Inside Science. Republished with permission. Written by Rodrigo Pérez Ortega (Inside Science) -- Finishing the Boston marathon is a life-changing milestone for many athletes. The same goes for the microbes in their guts. In a new study, published today in the journal Nature...
Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports coach, nutritionist, and author. His many books include The Endurance Diet, 80/20 Running, How Bad Do You Want It? , and most recently 80/20 Triathlon. One hundred years ago, Scandinavian athletes dominated elite distance running. They trained rather differently from today’s elite runners. Hannes Kolehmainen is a good...
Key Workouts from Aussie Elites: Part 2 Athlete: Maudie Skyring Personal Bests Event Result Venue Date 400m 58.22 Canberra (AUS) 17.02.2017 800m 2:09.35 Glendale (AUS) 28.01.2017 1500m 4:22.16 Sydney (AUS) 04.02.2017 Mile 4:53.93 Sydney (AUS) 04.03.2017 3000m 9:45.54 Melbourne (AUS) 08.12.2016 The Session: Freeman (200s) This session was part of Cathy Freeman’s training program and is great for 400m and 800m runners, to build speed and a tolerance to lactic acid build up. This session consists of...
On a Saturday morning, a 52-year-old man collapsed, having had a cardiac arrest during a fun run. I noticed the commotion as I was driving past on my way to work and stopped. Several other runners, including a general practitioner, had already stopped to help and the ambulance service was in attendance. With everyone’s input, the man was resuscitated, taken to hospital and received stenting to the main artery down the front of his heart. The outcome was so good that it later made the front page of our local newspaper.
I wanted to share with you my experience at Big Sky in Bright, and how this experience is different from what I feel when at home in Sydney. My auxiliary training (everything outside of my sessions) in Bright was almost identical to what I’d do in Sydney. I had one run that was longer than what I’d normally do, but that was really it. However, there were two things that were drastically different during my time here- the altitude I slept and recovered at, and the different styles of session that I experienced as a result of being here. This feeds in to my discussion of altitude training versus the training camp effect.
Originally published on Runner's Tribe 2014 (c) Republished April 21, 2016 Throwback Thursday Training Talk with Philo Saunders: Strength Training for Distance runners In a first of a series of interviews to be carried out with Dr Philo Saunders, Runner’s Tribe quizzes AIS senior physiologist, leading Canberra based coach and 3:41 1500m man...
A column by Michael Beisty Disclaimer: Content herein does not constitute specific advice to the reader’s circumstance.  It is only an opinion based on my perspective that others may learn from.   Anyone of any age who engages in running should be in tune with their body and seek medical advice before...
How Important is Your Coach? Written by Amity Delaney - Runner's Tribe Coaches are an essential part of any athlete’s journey. Under their guidance and leadership, athletes can either flourish or flounder. But how important are they? Are coaches what determines an athlete’s success, or is it the internal motivation and...
Prepare for you upcoming racing season with some quality sessions on sandhills. Article written by well known Australian running coach Sean Williams of MelbournePack  Resistance training for runners comes in many forms. My favourite would have to be Sandhill running. We have had close to 100 training camps over the last...