
Articles from experts in their fields helping you reach your maximum performance levels

Perhaps you’re a seasoned marathon junkie who runs 10 miles before breakfast. Or perhaps you are eating a slice of cake on the couch while reading this very article. These details don’t matter. What matters is that there is an ever-evolving community of running ideas out there, and unless...
Don’t Skimp on the Hills | By David McNeill - Runner's Tribe When searching for company for my day-to-day runs during the week, often one of the barriers between running with someone and running alone is the choice of location. Most of the time, I don’t mind driving to a...
MATT FITZGERALD - Runner's Tribe Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports coach, nutritionist, and author. His many books include The Endurance Diet, 80/20 Running, and How Bad Do You Want It?  I’m currently coaching a runner, we’ll call in Dylan, who’s training for the Berlin Marathon. Recently he asked me why I’ve had...
MATT FITZGERALD - Runner's Tribe Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports coach, nutritionist, and author. His many books include The Endurance Diet, 80/20 Running, and How Bad Do You Want It?  If you ask the average running coach what good running form is, he or she will probably answer with phrases like “midfoot...
If you’re someone who loves to run, it’s easy to convince yourself that running, alone, is sufficient for meeting your fitness goals and maintaining a high level of health. While running can be very beneficial for the body, especially for improving cardiovascular health, it’s not the only form of exercise...
Many sporting techniques and skills are unique to a rather narrow field of expertise. Hockey players don’t need to know how to kick a football and tennis players needn’t perfect a high jump but one thing which often does translate is running. Whether it’s the short sprints of a...
I always laugh about how I got into running. My older sister, Emma, showed some potential in long jump whilst we were both in primary school. Our aunt suggested that Emma come along to try out little athletics at Hornsby District Little Athletics Centre and at the ripe old...
'You'll never be able to run harder' - Robert Lister 4 Key Sessions - Coached by Michael Dooley As before most races, the day preceding Herb Elliott winning the 1500m at the 1960 Olympics his eccentric 65 year old coach Percy Cerutty ran himself to exhaustion. Prior to collapsing he managed...
From 5ks to full marathons, hundreds of thousands of people train for and run in races every year. If you’re looking to join this group and are starting to train for your first race, it’s important to make sure you’re training in a way that allows you to see great...
Some people say that the only way to improve your running is to run.  This is not the case. Even the most elite athletes substitute running sessions for cross-training work outs to give their bodies a break. It wasn’t until I had a severe injury (ruptured plantar fascia that meant...
Runner's Tribe