

Many issues lead to lower back pain but one of the most prevalent reasons for runners, is hyper pronation or supination. The Framingham Foot Study found that pronated foot function was associated with low back pain in women, remaining significant after adjusting for age, weight, smoking, and depressive symptoms.1 The feet...
Running is a pleasurable and healthy activity. Still, few things can slow a runner down like an unexpected injury. From heel aches to muscle damage, there’s a wealth of problems that any active person may encounter. So, here are some of the most common running ailments and how to...
The Night Wrap – Treating Inflammation By Thomas Do Canto   It was over 10 years ago that I was first introduced to this off-label treatment and I believe it still has its place in the management of many soft tissue injuries. So what is a night wrap? No, it's not a facial...
© 2017 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. The Achilles tendon comes under an incredible amount of strain in the normal day-to-day life of most runners. It is therefore often the victim of strain/injury secondary to overuse. Understandably, our calf muscles are closely linked to our Achilles tendon, when one suffers...
RT: Tom, good to have you back on RT.  How is the running going? TDC: Thanks for having me, always a pleasure. Running is going well thanks, taking the foot off the pedal a bit since World Half Marathon Champs in March but looking to gear up for a marathon...
As a runner, your feet are your best investment. Health issues which involve your feet can greatly impact your running career. These might include conditions like plantar fasciitis, hammer toe, and surprising to some, foot deformities. Your feet are composed of your ankles, heels, and toes with each foot being...
Have you gotten a new pair of running shoes that aren’t the most comfortable? Is nagging arch pain giving you the sense you might need more arch support in your running shoe? You may be in the market for running inserts or orthopedic insoles . . . and you’re...
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of plantar heel pain in both runners and non-runners, and one of the most prevalent causes of foot pain in general with 10% of people experiencing plantar fasciitis across their lifespan (1). Plantar fasciitis affects both sedentary and athletic people. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 10 people experience heel pain at some point. Although plantar fasciitis occurs at all ages, the highest risk of occurrence of plantar fasciitis is between 40 and 60 years of age. There is no known sex bias.