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As this is my first Runners’ Tribe blog, I want to start by giving you a bit of background information on the journey I have made over the last ten years, from a primary school kid running around my family’s farm, to now – as I sit here writing...
How Was the Uni Games Experience? The experience of coming to the world universiade has been an incredible experience, although my result was a little disappointing missing out on the final by .2. The opening ceremony was something that I would expect to see at the Olympics with around 50,000...
By Milly Jane Clark When I first started taking long distance running seriously 4 years ago, I kept a very detailed and meticulous training log. I was dedicated in keeping it up-to-date and found myself spending hours ensuring it had a complete recount of every single rep split or distance...
As a child I was never a particularly talented athlete. I was the fittest in my soccer team (which I thought was impressive at the time) but when it came to competing against other runners I was out of my depth. The achievement I was proudest of was making...
At 2,100-2,700m above sea level, there is a noticeable change in what can be managed and sustained in training. Whilst many athletes talk about undertaking a block of altitude training to improve performance, it can also have the opposite effect. Individuals respond in different ways and certain factors, such...
To be successful in this sport a lot of time and dedication needs to go into training. All athletes sacrifice a lot of things in order to be the best athlete they can be. Running is such an individual sport so when you succeed it’s always great to share...
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, they say, and the idea of the Ekiden relay has long since gone international. Well, at least to Victoria, anyway. Athletics Victoria paid homage – or should that be hommage – to the tradition of Japan’s road relays by adding an Ekiden to...
Alright, so you didn’t run the race you wanted, didn’t get the time you’ve trained for and didn’t finish in the top 3 positions and now you’re quiet disappointed. Whatever the reason is, don’t give up just yet! Every sport has its downfalls and every race you run won’t...
The airport scene has become a little too familiar in recent months. This time I am homeward bound for the Easter long weekend and rather than make the same old mistake of draining my phone battery, I opted to put my laptop to use. One week ago today, a...
RT Interview with Genevieve LaCaze: Training, Racing & Rio With the domestic season in the rear-view, how do you feel about your performances throughout the tour? Overall I am happy with most of my performances during the Australian Domestic season. I only did 3 races in all but with where I...
Runner's Tribe