By Jaryd Clifford

Pete Murray – one of Australia’s most well-known singer songwriters – sent Leonora into party mode last night, singing songs from his hit albums, including Feeler, which has sold over half a million copies.

Having raced over 400m and 800m in his youth, Murray loved the opportunity to support the Golden Gift. After six years off to spend time with family, he is on the verge of releasing another album, and Leonora was a great chance to continue to connect with the community.

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Filling the main street, the crowd danced late into the night before fireworks lit up the sky in a grand finale. Local resident Anne – who was born in the region in 1935 – had been out at the horse races before the concert, and praised the event for its positive impact on the town.

“It means an awful lot to the town and it brings the community together,” she said. “It brings back a lot of memories.”

Perth resident Stephen, who had made the trek to help with the Arts show, said that the Golden Gift had helped the town’s fame.

“It’s enormous for the town,” he said. “The gift puts it on the map.”

Ailsa – another local in the crowd – said the event was “good for the people.” This was proven by school kids Lenyce and Hannah, who attended all the day’s activities, repeatedly expressing their enjoyment.

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Every year the Golden Gift sends the town into a dancing frenzy. This year was no different. A great night in a great town.