There is something hard to define that I miss about competitive distance running. A small part of it is the training – feeling super fit and training towards a race (or races), but mostly it is the races themselves that I miss. The build up towards a race, the...
Just letting everyone know I’m still alive. I spent 2 full months on crutches with no weight-baring at all. From there I was allowed to walk around for a ryan gregsonmonth to strengthen my ankle joint and calf and increase my range of the joint that was reduced due...
I had another great 2014/15 summer track season and by the end, had taken 23s off my 10k, 14s off my 5k and 16s off my 3k PB. Although my times are getting down there, I knew I needed another big winter if I wanted to be mixing it...
As a child I was never a particularly talented athlete. I was the fittest in my soccer team (which I thought was impressive at the time) but when it came to competing against other runners I was out of my depth. The achievement I was proudest of was making...
A Finish is a finish: By Emma Kraft
I want to share a story with you all; however some of you may already be aware through Facebook of what happened during my race at the World Mountain Running Championships in Italy on the 14th September 2014. I think sharing my...
December is a time for numerous festive occasions. For most it’s the ever-eventful work Christmas party that often leaves a shady cloud over the workplace social scene or the high expectations of Christmas Day and New Years Eve that they look forward too. However, for the distance runners of...
There are two questions on my mind as I sit down to write my first blog for Runners Tribe. Having just heard that outside temperature has reached 40 degrees and is expected to hit 44 tomorrow, I am trying to figure out the best time to train today and...
It's been a better period in my running than when I last wrote. Last time I was at the end of an 18 month period of lower leg issues. Now I'm healthy and am running well.
I was able to start running in mid November last year and I had...
Having just completed another solid domestic season and short Asian circuit I can now sit back and look over the season I just had.
From the beginning of the season I had set myself a few goals, as everyone does. One goal which was a priority to me was winning...
I am sitting on the plane flying from Hong Kong to Melbourne after an amazing experience at my first World Championships. I have broken the trip up into sections below to try and capture what my experience was like and how I coped running a marathon in the Beijing...