RT Journals

Catch all the latest from all our track and field stars as they discuss everything from their personal training sessions to updates on their athletic journey.

Our latest blogger, Jacob Birtwhistle, is a name that probably doesn’t ring home for many older runners. However, if Jacob’s junior form is anything to go by then the name Birtwhistle is one that you are going to be hearing a lot in times to come. With 9 junior...
Wins and Losses During the first six months of this year I have had some wins, but also some losses. Here are the highlights and lowlights: Win: I arrived in Falls Creek in better shape than I thought and completed some great sessions. I was only there for 10 days (rather...
The 2011 athletics season has finished and it's been an interesting one to say the least. In a season that promised so much at the beginning it was unfortunate that it all unravelled not long after. After completing a solid training block with the Melbourne Track Club boys in Mt....
Firstly I would like to thank runnerstribe and team SIS for the support and also the opportunity to blog. For my first blog I suppose I would like to let you know where I came from and where I am at currently. Growing up I played many sports which...
Hi Runners Tribe, Firstly, I would like to thank SiS and Runner’s Tribe for your support and for this fantastic opportunity. I am an 800m runner living in Hobart; Tasmania can be cold, wet and windy but it is an incredible place to be a runner (as long as you have...
My 2010/2011 season did not go off with a bang, nor did it end with one. Well I guess in a sense it did start with bang. I went up to Noosa to run the 5k bolt after a fairly solid block of training and feeling quite confident I would...
Having just completed another solid domestic season and short Asian circuit I can now sit back and look over the season I just had. From the beginning of the season I had set myself a few goals, as everyone does. One goal which was a priority to me was winning...
Only 10 days to go until we leave for the IAAF World Youth Championships in Lille, France and the whole Australian World Youth Team is extremely excited, but nervous at the same time about our competition in Lille. We all have just come back from our pre-departure camp in...
Hello everyone, I’m always unsure what to write about in blogs, so I think I will just update brett robinsoneveryone on my last few months and what I will be doing over the next few months, hopefully it won’t be too boring. My season was pretty long but it was kind...
I’ve been up here at Mt. Laguna for 10 days now. We are at about 1800m altitude and this place is extremely hilly. I’m here with Collis Birmingham, Ben St. Lawrence, Jeff Riseley, Jack Bolas, our coach Nic Bideau and our assistant Garry Henry. Mt. Laguna is only about...
Runner's Tribe