
In our hectic lives, it is all too easy to overlook the significance of nurturing and fortifying our lower back muscles. Neglecting these essential muscles can result in weakness over time, rendering us vulnerable to pain and potential injuries. The erector spinae, the group of muscles in the lower back, plays a pivotal role in supporting the spine and facilitating movements such as bending forward and lifting objects. By actively engaging and strengthening these muscles, we can mitigate discomfort and elevate our overall well-being.
Six Key Core Exercises for Runners - No Gym Required 2017 Runner's Tribe, all rights reserved So everyone knows that a strong core is key. But for the time strapped runner, what are the most choice exercises on which to concentrate? We have chosen 6 key core exercises that are 1)...
If you’re someone who loves to run, it’s easy to convince yourself that running, alone, is sufficient for meeting your fitness goals and maintaining a high level of health. While running can be very beneficial for the body, especially for improving cardiovascular health, it’s not the only form of exercise...
Nick Cross and Todd Anderson are leading physiotherapists, based in Melbourne. By Nick Cross and Todd Anderson Falls Creek is renown as a hot spot for distance runners, from the recreational enthusiasts to the elite athlete. It encompasses unique trails, hills and rugged surroundings, it also provides near perfect running temperatures....
I love running, and I hate shin splints. After years of dealing with injuries, I was determined not to let shin splints beat me. Here is how I conquered shin splints!
Knee injuries affect over ten million people a year; most of them are amateur runners. Since the general symptoms of various knee injuries are the same (pain, swelling, loss of motion, and so on), many people treat these injuries in the same way. However, the knee is not one...
For individuals suffering from proximal hamstring tendinopathy it can be frustrating to navigate the rehabilitation required, and oftentimes symptoms may persist for extended periods of time, ranging from months even extending to years.
Instagram: @elenifrossynos.exphys   I have had the fortunate opportunity to come across a product that has successfully managed and aided in the recovery of my shin splints. I know so many runners struggle, so I am excited to share my story with you all. Victorious runs are possible if you have...
Running is a pleasurable and healthy activity. Still, few things can slow a runner down like an unexpected injury. From heel aches to muscle damage, there’s a wealth of problems that any active person may encounter. So, here are some of the most common running ailments and how to...
Compression garments have surged in popularity over the past decades, especially among runners. While many athletes swear by their effectiveness, the scientific community has sought to uncover the truth. In a recent comprehensive analysis of 183 studies, researchers have provided valuable insights, suggesting that while compression gear may not live up to all claims, it carries minimal risks.