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Thanks Coach | A Column By Len Johnson There’s probably almost as many different athlete-coach relationships in athletics as there are athletes and coaches. Some athletes have a coach from the time they start out in the sport as a junior. Usually, that’s a club coach. Others never have one, though...
1km repeats In the winter I do 8 x 1k with a 1min jog between, running on dirt or grass and aiming for around 10k race pace. In the summer I do 6 x 1k on the track with 1min walk between, aiming for 5k race pace. 3 sets of 5min...
The strength training argument by Mark Blomeley for RT's RUN SCHOOL Strength training for runners continues to be a hotly debated topic. There are plenty of different philosophies around and most work to a degree. Increasingly though, there is very little disagreement that you should actually be doing strength training as...
Session 1: Mona Fartlek Basics of the session: The workout named after Steve Moneghetti is 20 minutes of fartlek with fast recovery, done as follows:-2x90 seconds hard (tempo to 10K pace) with 90 seconds recovery steady, not jogging. -4x60 seconds hard, 60 seconds steady. -4x30 seconds hard, 30 seconds steady. -4x15 seconds hard,...
2k16 | It’s the little things that make a big difference As many of you would have heard in December last year I relocated to Melbourne to base my training there with the St Kevin's boys under the guidance of Justin Rinaldi. The move has been smooth with everything coming...
Ryan Hall: best actor in a supporting role | A Column By Len Johnson Ryan Hall never quite achieved the stardom for which he seemed destined, but if the best actor Oscar somehow eluded him, the American marathoner certainly has a sound claim to a gong as best actor in...
2015 was a pretty good year, I've now started training with Philo Saunders' group and gained a lot of speed surprising myself a bit. It's great to have some good guys to train with and their sessions have really helped me develop. 1) Long Run 60-80mins No hard training session are...
Running Mechanics | What matters By Mark Blomeley As runners there is so much emphasis placed on where we are landing on our foot. The trend over the past decade is to place a lot of emphasis on forefoot landing or “running on your toes”. Today I’m going to surprise...
WADA gets what it wants | A Column By Len Johnson “Whatever Lola wants, Lola gets” went a song from the 1950s musical Damn Yankees and, judging by the outcome this week at the Court of Arbitration for Sport, WADA is the new Lola. A CAS panel upheld an appeal by the...
Runner's Tribe