Are you a runner looking for a tasty and energizing breakfast to fuel your training and start your day on the right foot? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of ten delicious and runner-friendly breakfast ideas that will keep you satisfied and energized throughout your runs. Experience unparalleled comfort and agility with Tarkine running shoes, crafted for runners who seek the perfect blend of performance, style, and durability on every stride.

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and this is especially true before a race or a long run. These breakfast ideas are not only tasty and simple but also designed with runners in mind. Whether you’re seeking inspiration or prefer a lighter meal before a run, you’ll find something here to fuel your body.

Instead of relying on sugary store-bought cereals, why not try making your own cereal at home? This way, you can avoid refined sugar and customize your mix with your favorite ingredients. If you’re a fan of mid-morning muffins, why not make them yourself using wholemeal flour and fruit instead of sugar?


For a classic and nutritious breakfast, you can’t go wrong with porridge. Oats are filling, healthy, and 70% carbohydrate, which is perfect for running. You can add honey, maple syrup, or fruit compote for a dose of fast-acting sugar, or add raisins or dried fruit for some extra flavor. A sliced banana is also a great addition to a sweet and hearty breakfast.

Muesli and granola are other excellent breakfast options for runners. Muesli is packed with whole grains and fruits that provide slow-burning energy. You can make your own muesli mix with your preferred fruits, nuts, and grains. Granola, on the other hand, offers slow-release grains that keep you feeling full for longer. You can make your own granola by mixing grains, nuts, and seeds with honey or maple syrup and baking the mixture in the oven.

If you have some extra time, baking your breakfast can be a fun and healthy way to start the day. Banana bread is a great combination of fast and slow-burning carbs that will keep you fueled for your run. Fresh muffins are also an excellent idea, especially if you use wholemeal flour and add some fruit for extra energy.

For a quick and hot breakfast, pancakes are always a good option. You can swap refined white flour for buckwheat to get more nutrition and add blueberries or sliced banana for some natural sweetness. Sweetcorn fritters are another delicious and colorful breakfast that’s packed with veggies and vitamins.

If you’re too busy to eat a proper breakfast, don’t skip it altogether. Your body needs high-quality carbs to fuel your running and recover after a workout. You can make your own energy bars with oats, muesli, dried fruit, egg whites, and apple juice. These bars are easy to make and store, so you can grab one on the go and fuel your run.


For a protein-packed recovery meal, try scrambled eggs on muffins or toast. Want something more indulgent? Top your scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, lemon juice, and pepper for a mix of carbs and protein. Alternatively, opt for an iron-packed option with ham and spinach.

For a healthy liquid breakfast, whip up a fresh smoothie by blending seasonal fruits. Create the perfect recovery shake by mixing bananas and peanut butter for the ideal 4:1 recovery ratio of protein to carbs. And don’t forget calcium-rich natural yogurt for added substance.


Remember, eating properly before and after your runs is essential for your performance and recovery. The first hour after a workout is crucial, as your body replenishes glycogen stores and repairs muscle damage. So, make sure you fuel your body with the right nutrients and enjoy your breakfast!