Runner’s Tribe has been providing the Australian and global athletics community with free content since February 2008, and we hope to deliver even better content for many years to come. During this time the market has shifted strongly away from third party advertising, despite our steady growth in web traffic.

Runner’s Tribe has made the decision to offer a membership subscription model for the following reasons:

  • Awesome content costs money. We pay our writers; we pay our video makers. Our professionally accredited staff deserve to be paid for their many hours of work.

  • We wish to pay athletes.  Instead of just interviewing an athlete, we would love to be able to pay them for their time as well. No other sites do this, to our knowledge.  (Ed: RT did in fact start paying athletes in August 2019, we continue to proudly do so). 

  • Successful websites cost money.  We get over 100,000 weekly visitors to Runner’s Tribe. Maintaining a website of this size costs a significant amount.

  • A membership model will help us deliver better quality content and much much more of it.  We know what content our users want, and we know how to deliver it. We will invest heavily back into the business in order to offer tremendous value to our customers.

This is the way we can deliver the very best premium content on a daily basis. We have strived to offer an exceptionally well valued membership platform and we believe this is what we have done. Make your own mind up, we doubt you will be disappointed.

See you inside the RT members area.

Sign up here:

Latest members only content:

Liam Adams: The People’s Champion 

Workout Any Day Season 2 – Episode 1- Gold Coast Run Co. – Runner’s Tribe Members Only

High Mileage is Overrated – The Training of Bernard Lagat