Parvej Khan, a rising star in middle-distance running who recently gained attention for his performances in American collegiate athletics, has tested positive for erythropoietin (EPO), a banned substance. The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) has placed Khan under provisional suspension, effective August 28.

The positive test was conducted during the National Inter-State Championships in Panchkula, Haryana, on June 27 and 28. Given the complexity and time required for EPO testing, the confirmation of Khan’s results was delayed.

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Khan was initially scheduled to compete in the 1500m race at the Open National Championships in Bengaluru, but his name was removed from the list of participants following the suspension. Hailing from a farming family in Mewat, Haryana, Khan has seven days from receiving the suspension notice to request a ‘B’ sample test. If he opts not to request this test, it will be assumed he accepts the initial result. Nonetheless, Khan still retains the right to present his case before the Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel (ADDP).

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Should the charges be upheld, Khan, who is still classified as an under-20 athlete, could face a four-year ban. He would have the option to appeal any suspension handed down, with the final decision resting with the appeal panel. Alternatively, Khan could admit to the violation, which could reduce his suspension by one year.

Khan has also been given 15 days to submit any written explanations or statements regarding the adverse analytical finding (AAF). If he qualifies, he may request legal assistance from NADA.

EPO, a substance that increases red blood cell production and enhances endurance, is a known performance-enhancer in the sports world. In medical settings, EPO is used to treat patients who need help increasing their red blood cell count, such as those undergoing cancer treatment. Administered through injections, EPO is difficult to detect in doping tests due to its short detection window. Despite this, there has been a noticeable increase in EPO-related doping cases in India, particularly among younger athletes.

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Khan’s achievements in the U.S. had established him as a standout talent, especially with his record-breaking performances for the University of Florida. His distinctive running style, characterized by his flowing hair and the habit of biting his chain as he neared the finish line, made him a fan favorite both in India and abroad.

Although Khan had impressed many with his performances, he was unable to qualify for the Paris Olympics before returning to India in June for the Inter-State Championships, which served as the final selection event for the Games. He secured victory in the 1500m with a time of 3:42.95, though this was significantly slower than his personal best of 3:38.76, achieved earlier in the year in the U.S.