RT Journals

Catch all the latest from all our track and field stars as they discuss everything from their personal training sessions to updates on their athletic journey.

My name is Holly Campbell and I am a middle distance runner based in Sydney and coached by Lindsay Watson. I grew up on a farm near the small community of Warren in central west NSW and found my passion for running when at boarding school in Sydney under...
On Saturday the 25th of August the South Australian Senior Men won their first national title in the long history of the Australian Cross Country Championships. A significant accomplishment for four good mates from a traditionally small distance running state. However, an ever more special day for us as...
“When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways - either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength.” - Dalai Lama I can vividly remember my mother’s courage in her battle against breast cancer in...
My name is Jaylah Hancock-Cameron, I’m 16 years of age and am currently a 800 and 1500m runner for Bankstown Sports Club. I live in Broulee,  a small village down the far south coast of NSW and I’m currently a year 11 student at Moruya High School. Originally my sporting...
Hey, I’m Eligh Morris and 19 years of age and I’m from the Southern Highlands. My running story began when I was a young tacker, when I first became a member of Bowral Little Athletics and now a member of Kembla Joggers Inc. Most of you have never probably...
I'd like to start by saying it is an honour to be able to write this small piece. I think I can safely say that writing about yourself is nearly harder than any session! My name is Jordy Tyler. I am a Tasmanian middle distance runner focusing predominately on...
I always laugh about how I got into running. My older sister, Emma, showed some potential in long jump whilst we were both in primary school. Our aunt suggested that Emma come along to try out little athletics at Hornsby District Little Athletics Centre and at the ripe old...
'You'll never be able to run harder' - Robert Lister 4 Key Sessions - Coached by Michael Dooley As before most races, the day preceding Herb Elliott winning the 1500m at the 1960 Olympics his eccentric 65 year old coach Percy Cerutty ran himself to exhaustion. Prior to collapsing he managed...
My name is Matt Scott and I am a middle distance runner from Sydney, training with the Melbourne based, ‘Wolf Pack Track club’; coached by Bruce Scriven. Before relocating to Melbourne in 2016 to attend university, I was training with Lindsay Watson - whom I still train with when...
When looking back at my journey into competitive running, it’s safe to say it isn’t the usual pathway taken by most athletes still competing in senior ranks. As a junior the only involvement I had with track and field was being dragged along to a Little Athletics “bring your...
Runner's Tribe