RT Journals

Catch all the latest from all our track and field stars as they discuss everything from their personal training sessions to updates on their athletic journey.

Hello fellow running enthusiasts, I am Angie Petty, a 26 year old middle distance runner from Christchurch, New Zealand. I started running for a club when I was 10 years old and got a coach when I was 13, so have been in this sport 16 years so far. I...
FOR THE LOVE OF RUNNING – 4 KEY SESSIONS FROM LONG DISTANCE ATHLETE NIC HARMAN – COACHED BY RAFAEL BAUGH My name is Nic Harman and I am a 22 year old long distance athlete currently training with Front Runner Athletics Club led by Rafael Baugh and Ben Green in...
A quick thank-you is owed to Runner's Tribe for the opportunity to talk about myself, which is something I try not to make a habit of. Hopefully some perspective into my routine and training proves interesting. I’m based in North East Melbourne and lucky to be surrounded by trails –...
My name is Jess Pascoe and I am an Australian athlete currently attending the University of Florida in America. I fell in love with running on the country dirt roads in my hometown of Forbes, NSW. I was the kid who did everything and ran to and from all my...


ALTITUDE | A column by Jaryd Clifford – Runner’s Tribe “It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” Sir Edmund Hillary In the mountains, even the strongest stumble. Every step is gruelling, every breath a battle. It is an environment that demands courage. It is a place where only the toughest survive. It...
4 Key Sessions from Jack Curran My name is Jack Curran and run with a group located in Queensland called Gold Coast Run Co, founded and led by Jackson Elliott and Andrew Stalling. This group is massive and consists of our Whippets (6-12years), Junior Squad (12-18years), Social Run Club groups...
FOUR KEY SESSIONS/FAVOURITE WORKOUTS - Bernadette Williams I’m stoked to be writing something for the Runner’s Tribe journal section. I’ve started visiting the site fairly regularly over the last few months as I returned to athletics, it’s a great spot to learn about all things running and find some inspiration. My...
Runners Tribe 4 key sessions- Nicole Perry I have been running for Tasmania at national level on and off for 16 years now in the 800m. At 31, I am far from being one of the new kids on the block, but I have run 800m PBs during the past...
Workout series featuring Bri Ilarda - NCAA broken and made My name is Bri Ilarda and I’m an Australian athlete who is currently attending Providence College in the US of A. I’m heading into my fifth and final year there as I compete as a friar one last time in...
This article was originally posted at https://www.annelieserubie.com/ Read more outstanding features from Anneliese by visiting her site. What was your dream when you first started out in this sport? Is it the same dream as now? If not….Why not? When I was 10 years old, I had a dream that I would one...
Runner's Tribe