RT Journals

Catch all the latest from all our track and field stars as they discuss everything from their personal training sessions to updates on their athletic journey.

Early on September 12th, I found myself at the starting line of my third Ironman competition at Wisconsin. I had trained for many years to get there, but my goal was to qualify for Kona 2022. There was only 1 way to guarantee my spot at Kona, I had to win my age group.
As I write this, I’m on a plane to Los Angeles about to begin the next chapter of my life at college in the US. It’s a strange point in my running journey as I’m about to experience big changes in coaching and training, but I’m grateful for the...
Thank you, Runner’s Tribe, for getting this segment back up and running. It is always a great read and a good insight into what athletes and coaches alike are up to in their training methodology. Unleash your full potential with Tarkine Goshawk shoes, where cutting-edge technology meets unparalleled performance...
My name’s Hannah Cadden, I’m 18 years old from the ACT competing Nationally and Internationally in events ranging from 800m, 1500m, 3000m Steeplechase all the way up to 6km cross country. I have competed in over 20 National Championships in both Athletics and Cross Country since the age of...
Hi, my name’s Luke Hince and I’m a 19-year-old distance runner from Wollongong NSW. I mainly race distances from 1500m (3:54) up to 5000m (14:53) and dabble in cross country and road races during the winter season. I am coached and inspired by my dad and coach Brendon Hince,...
For as long as I can remember, I’ve been running. As a little 6-year-old, Mum and dad enrolled my three brothers and me in Runaway Bay Little Athletics where I immediately fell head over heels in love with the sport. To this day, I’ve never really been able to...
For everyone who doesn’t know me my name is Andre. My running journey didn’t take off until my early 20’s and I never had the intentions nor vision of seeing myself as to where I am today.  I always had an interest in sport so in the summertime my parents signed...
Hi all! My name is Colby Eddowes, I’m 19 years old and I compete for the South Canberra Tuggeranong Athletics Club in the ACT. Up until last September (2020) I was a fully pledged decathlete having won the silver at the Australian u17 championship in 2018 and gold in...
You'll either know me as that kid with the youtube channel, or you just won't know me at all. When really you should know me as the guy who is faster than Stewy Mcsweyn by 3sec over 800m according to our world athletics profiles. To experience, exceptional performance in...
Runner's Tribe caught up with Olympic 800m semi-finalist Charlie Hunter for our 6th podcast ep, check it out here..... Within the podcast are many hidden gems. We dived into his training, and below is an outline. 
Runner's Tribe