
Are you a runner looking for a tasty and energizing breakfast to fuel your training and start your day on the right foot? Look no further! We've compiled a list of ten delicious and runner-friendly breakfast ideas that will keep you satisfied and energized throughout your runs
Are you wondering how you can improve your nutritional intake and boost your stamina? Or are you one of those runners who often have a hard time obtaining their nutritional needs and managing their diets? No matter what your reasons could be, there's no denying the role of your...
By Mark Tucker - Runner's Tribe “Strenuous exercise should not be taken until two and a half to three hours after eating” (C.W.H. Grant – The Australian Amateur – October 1951) How much? How long before? And what should we eat (and drink) before a race and before we train? These...
Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a fitness newbie, injuries can happen to anyone at any time. This is especially true for runners. In fact, each year, 65 percent of all runners will experience an injury at some point. It’s not uncommon for runners and other active individuals to put...
There are different reasons that when men might develop conditions of cardiac ailments. Our heart is very sensitive to external stimuli, getting affected from different activity that we do the food you are eating or the activities you are doing come up it also makes your heart get influenced....
When it comes to running, the amount of fluids you need before, during, and after your run isn't one-size-fits-all. Your hydration requirements depend on various factors, including the duration of your run and your individual sweat rate. While older guidelines used to offer specific fluid intake recommendations for runners, newer insights highlight the importance of a more personalized approach.
Are you looking for ways to improve your performance, reduce injury risk, and boost your energy levels? Chronic inflammation could be the culprit. But fear not, sports dietitian Teri Lichtenstein suggests incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into your diet to help you feel better and perform at your best. Research has shown that a diet rich in antioxidants and fiber can help reduce inflammation. 
When it comes to boosting protein intake, many think of meat and animal-based options. Traditional breakfast items such as eggs, ham, sausages, and bacon serve as excellent sources. However, it's crucial to be mindful of the sodium and saturated fats present in some of these foods, which could potentially impact heart health and contribute to weight gain.
Written by Callen Goldsmith (science graduate and avid runner) You need fast to spell fasted, so fasting should make you faster right? It only makes sense that this is the case. Why would they even write the word like that if it didn’t? So, if you’re faster by fasting, how fast...
Carbohydrates are crucial for runners, and hitting the wall due to fatigue can happen when a runner runs out of carbohydrates. During marathon week, runners should pay special attention to their carbohydrate intake. Carb loading is the traditional practice of runners eating more carbohydrates in the days leading up to a race to maximize glycogen stores. Runners racing for over 90 minutes should consider carbohydrate loading, as carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles and are the primary source of fuel for muscles during a race. Carb loading can help delay fatigue.