Run School

Run School is here to give all levels of runners information and advice to improve their running and to stay injury free. From top physiotherapist, podiatrists, trainers, doctors, coaches, massage therapist, athletes and more knowledgable experts. ‘Run School,’ will keep you informed by only the highest end sources on a regular basis.

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Anxiety is one of the part of life that usually happens one’s in a lifetime.  How have you been to this. What are the conditions that made you uneasy? There are lot many questions that are related to anxiety. To overcome this major concern, Buy Etizolam has been found as one effective drug...
MATT FITZGERALD – Runner’s Tribe Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed endurance sports coach, nutritionist, and author. His many books include The Endurance Diet, 80/20 Running, and How Bad Do You Want It?  The body is smart. When you increase your habitual activity level, your body consumes more energy and therefore requires more energy input...
In February 2004, Lee Troop was a man on a mission. His goals for 2004 were to have a crack at the Australian Marathon Record (2:07.51 held by Robert de Castella) at the London Marathon and to finish in the top 10 at the Athen’s Olympic Marathon. To achieve these goals, Lee changed his training focus from the more traditional Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday ‘hard / quality sessions’ to the following, more ‘marathon specific’ training program.
In early 2003 Mona was interviewed by Neil Macdonald. The below training schedule and training/running tips are courtesy of Neil Macdonald.  Neil MacDonald managed the Geelong Region Cross Country team from 2000-2007.
Kerryn McCann was best known as a marathoner – but she was one of Australia’s best all-round distance runners. As Len Johnson states in 'Australian Marathon Stars' - "She didn’t have a mean bone in her body, but she was a fierce competitor who didn’t like to lose." She was best known for winning the marathon at the 2002 and 2006 Commonwealth Games.
The Training of Steve Cram © 2017 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. "Despite what some coaches might say, the majority of past successes were built on a sound endurance background forged by most on the mud and hills of strength-building cross-country events. Bypass this as an integral part of a competitive...
Forty-two years after his death, Steve Prefontaine continues to inspire countless runners around the world who aim to emulate his fierce competitiveness, toughness and fearless front running racing style. The charismatic Oregonian was such an enigma he was sometimes classed the ‘James Dean of track and field.’ Like his Hollywood counterpart, Pre died in a car crash at just 24 years of age. All these years later,  Pre still remains the most celebrated runner in American history. As Alberto Salazar put it - “He made running cool.” Runner’s Tribe spent countless hours researching the training behind this American idol, spoke to inside sources, old training partners and those who actually knew Pre, in real life.  Below is the most detailed account of Pre’s training ever published.
Are you chasing that elusive sub 3hr marathon? Not sure exactly how to do it? Benita Willis (Oceania marathon record holder - 2hr22) has listed 12 key things to think about: Be realistic – is it attainable for you this year? Sometimes you are better off taking smaller chunks...
Cross Training is a valuable tool then can aid athlete’s in getting their best performance. It is the action or practice of engaging in multiple sports or training practices in order to improve fitness or performance in one’s main sport (1). Runner’s in particular can often utilise cross-training to provide numerous benefits to their running performance. Let’s go through why cross-training can be a useful additional to one’s training.
    “There are lots of elements to running a successful marathon and I’ll bet insights into them are woven throughout all of the interviews in this book!”  – Lisa Ondieki from Australian Marathon Stars © 2021 Runner’s Tribe, all rights reserved. Lisa Ondieki certainly rates as Australia’s top female marathoner, her...